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[RECAP] Beyond The Great Wall #17 : Cina Kontemporer: Kebangkitan dalam Kesenjangan
/in Past Events/by iis.fisipolPada Jumat (29/10), Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada menyelenggarakan forum diskusi Beyond The Great Wall (BTGW) edisi #17 yang bertajuk “Cina Kontemporer: Kebangkitan dalam Kesenjangan”. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, IIS UGM mengundang Gufron Gozali, Asisten Riset dari Universitas Islam Indonesia dan Nadya Zafira, Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada. Kedua pembicara didampingi oleh Fanya Tarissa Anindita, Staf Divisi Publikasi IIS UGM sebagai moderator.
Sesi pertama dimulai oleh Gufron, yang membawakan materi berjudul “Indonesia dan Kebangkitan Cina”. Mengawali pembahasannya, Gufron menilik kembali sejarah Cina, dari masa keterpurukan hingga bangkitnya komunisme dan kebangkitan Cina di tahun 1945. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa Cina telah mengalami kebangkitan ekonomi yang sangat progresif, mencapai rata rata sebesar 9.5% dalam 40 tahun terakhir. Di sisi lain, laju perkembangan Cina juga diiringi dengan pasang surut hubungan antara Cina dengan Indonesia, yang sempat “mesra” di era Orde Lama, putus hubungan di era Orde Baru, hingga pemulihan hubungan kedua negara pada era reformasi.
Pemulihan kerja sama Indonesia-Cina semakin gencar dilanjutkan oleh pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi. Gufron menekankan bahwa nilai perdagangan diantara kedua negara terus meningkat, termasuk kerjasama melalui program Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Namun, di sisi lain hubungan kedua negara harus menghadapi tantangan baru, seperti persepsi negatif masyarakat terhadap Cina, neraca perdagangan yang tidak seimbang, hingga sentimen buruk masyarakat yang diakibatkan oleh masuknya tenaga kerja asing dari Cina pada sektor-sektor yang belum dapat dipenuhi oleh tenaga kerja Indonesia.
Seusai pemaparan Gufron, sesi dilanjutkan oleh Nadya, yang membawakan materinya yang berjudul “Prekariat Digital dalam Masa Kesejahteraan Bersama (Common Prosperity)”. Dalam materinya, Nadya mengangkat mengenai isu transisi sebagian tenaga kerja Cina yang beralih profesi menjadi pekerja digital. Peralihan ini terjadi sebagai bentuk dari berkembangnya sharing economy yang mengandalkan platform-platform digital dan internet sebagai medianya. Tentunya, banyak pekerja di Cina yang memilih untuk menjadi digital worker karena tergiur oleh pendapatan yang lebih tinggi, fleksibilitas dalam bekerja hingga syarat yang lebih ringan apabila dibandingkan dengan pekerja konvensional.
Namun, pada kenyataannya para pekerja digital di Cina dihadapkan kepada banyak problematika yang harus dihadapi, mulai pendapatan yang tidak stabil, jam kerja yang tidak menentu, risiko kecelakaan kerja yang lebih tinggi, hingga kemungkinan perlindungan asuransi sosial yang lebih rendah. Tidak adanya proteksi hukum dari pemerintah Cina membuat kondisi yang harus dihadapi oleh para pekerja digital menjadi semakin sulit, dan tuntutan para pekerja digital menjadi marak disuarakan lewat berbagai macam aksi dan unjuk rasa. Hal ini, menurut Nadya menjadi sebuah dilema bagi pemerintah Cina, tidak berdayanya para pekerja digital justru mengancam nilai-nilai Masa Kesejahteraan Bersama yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintahan Xi Jinping.
[RECAP] BTGW #17 : Contemporary China: The Rise behind The Economic Gap
/in Past Events/by iis.fisipolOn Friday (29/10), Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada successfully held the #17 Beyond the Great Wall discussion focusing on the topic of “Contemporary China: The Rise behind The Economic Gap”. IIS invited Gufron Gozali, a research assistant from Universitas Islam Indonesia and Nadya Zafira, an International Relations student from Universitas Gadjah Mada dor this round of discussion. With Fanya Tarisa Anindita, our Publication Intern acting as the moderator.
Gufron started the first session, presenting about “Indonesia and the Rise of China”, looking back to China’s history from its dark time to the rise of communism and the rise of China in general in 1945. It is undeniable how China has undergone such progressive economic rise, reaching an average of 9,5% in the past 40 years. On the other hand, along with China’s economic growth, the relation between China and Indonesia fluctuates. At one point Both parties were considered close before the New Order, but during the New Order the relations was severed and finally during Reform era both countries start to actively engage in various sector yet again.
The recovery of Indonesia and China’s cooperation continued intensely under Jokowi’s government. Gufron stressed that trade value between the countries has always been increasing, including the cooperation through the Belt Road Initiative (BRI) program. However, this cooperation is facing new challenges, such as the prejudice and negative perception from Indonesian citizens towards China, problems with the balance of trade, to the sentiment growing among the citizens about migrant workers from China.
After Gufron’s presentation, Nadya continued the session with the topic of “Digital Precariat in the Common Prosperity Era.” In her presentation, Nadya spoke about the transition experienced by Chinese employees who had to change their profession to be digital workers. This transition happened as an impact of sharing economy’s development, which depends on digital platforms and the internet as the main vessel. It is clear that the majority of employees are willing to transition to digital workers, for its higher incentives, flexible working hours and less restrictive requirements compared to conventional workers.
However, in reality, digital workers are faced with a lot of obstacles such as unstable income, unpredictable working hours, higher risk of accidents at work, and not-so-secure social insurance. The lack of legal protection makes it harder for digital workers to voice their demands, resulting in protests and demonstrations. This has been a dilemma for the government, the position where the digital workers are right now is actually against the Common Prosperity Era’s values by Xi Jinping, Nadya stated.
[RECAP] Cangkir Teh #5 : Aspek Normatif dalam Bantuan Peningkatan Kapasitas Keamanan Siber Internasional : Pengalaman Jepang dan Korea Selatan
/in Featured, Past Events/by iis.fisipolKamis (30/08) lalu, Institute of Internarnational Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) menyelenggarakan Diskusi Cangkir Teh edisi #5 yang bertajuk “Aspek Normatif dalam Bantuan Peningkatan Kapasitas Keamanan Siber Internasional : Pengalaman Jepang dan Korea Selatan”. Dalam kesempatan kali ini, IIS UGM mengundang Azza Bimantara, alumni HI UGM yang baru saja menyelesaikan studi pascasarjana-nya di Corvinus University of Budapest. Sebagai moderator, IIS UGM menghadirkan Nabilah Nur Abiyanti, Staf Riset IIS UGM yang bertugas mendampingi Azza dalam diskusi tersebut.
Tema diskusi kali ini merupakan elaborasi dari topik tesis Azza yang berjudul “The Normative Enactment of International Cybersecurity Capacity Building Assistance: A Comparative Analysis on Japanese and South Korean Practices”. Dalam pemaparannya, Azza membahas mengenai bantuan peningkatan kapasitas keamanan siber internasional dengan mengomparasikan pengalaman kedua negara yang berbeda, yaitu Jepang dan Korea Selatan.
Pembahasan dimulai dengan pemaparan Azza tentang latar belakang dan signifikansi dari Cybersecurity Capacity Building Assistance (CCB) yang menimbulkan berbagai problematika, di antaranya ketidakmampuan untuk memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan kerentanan akan serangan dalam ranah dunia maya, terutama bagi negara-negara berkembang dengan tingkat penetrasi internet yang rendah,. Selanjutnya, muncul pertanyaan: bagaimana perbedaan penekanan normatif oleh negara-negara donor dapat mempengaruhi berbagai bentuk program atau proyek CCB yang dilakukan bagi negara-negara penerima? Dengan pendekatan hybrid state-centric dan international-centric, Azza memilih Jepang dan Korea Selatan sebagai sampel negara donor yang ditelitinya dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.
Di satu sisi, struktur normatif kerjasama keamanan siber internasional Jepang lebih berorientasi pada aspek keamanan. Sebagai implikasinya, terbentuklah identitas dan peran Jepang dalam tata kelola keamanan siber internasional sebagai negara yang memiliki prioritas kepentingan normatif dan material yang condong ke arah aspek keamanan. Identitas dan peran tersebut termanifestasikan dalam bantuan CCB internasional yang lebih berorientasi pada aspek keamanan.
Di sisi lain, struktur kerjasama keamanan internasional Korea Selatan yang menitikberatkan pada aspek pembangunan merupakan implementasi dari reputasi positif Korea Selatan di bidang pembangunan internasional. Sebagai hasilnya, Korea Selatan lebih menekankan bantuan CCB internasionalnya dengan didasari dengan kepentingan normatif dan material yang lebih didominasi oleh aspek pembangunan serta berorientasi non-keamanan.
Sebagai penutup sesi pemaparan, Azza menyimpulkan bahwa analisis komparatif di antara Jepang dan Korea Selatan yang dikaji melalui pendekatan hybrid state-centric dan international-centric, sebagaimana tercantum pada metodologi penelitiannya, dapat menggambarkan fragmentasi norma-norma siber global, yang disebabkan oleh munculnya perbedaan proses dan persepsi oleh negara-negara di seluruh dunia.
Seusai sesi pemaparan oleh narasumber, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi yang berlangsung dengan kondusif dan dipenuhi dengan pertanyaan dari para audiens.
Penulis : Raditya Bomantara
Editor : Tim Publikasi IIS
[RECAP] The Normative Enactment of International Cybersecurity Capacity Building Assistance: A Comparative Analysis on Japanese and South Korean Practices
/in Featured, Past Events/by iis.fisipolLast Thursday (30/08), the Institute of International Studies, Gadjah Mada University (IIS UGM), successfully held the fifth edition of Diskusi Cangkir Teh entitled “Normative Aspects in International Cybersecurity Capacity Assistance: The Experiences of Japan and South Korea.” On this occasion, IIS UGM invited Azza Bimantara, an alumnus of International Relations major, Gadjah Mada University, who had just finished his postgraduate study at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Acting as the moderator, IIS UGM welcomed Nabilah Nur Abiyanti, one of the research staff at IIS UGM, to accompany Azza in the discussion.
The discussion’s theme is an extended elaboration of Azza’s thesis under the title “The Normative Enactment of International Cybersecurity Capacity Building Assistance: A Comparative Analysis on Japanese and South Korean Practices.” Accordingly, in his presentation, Azza compared the international cybersecurity capacity-building assistance of Japan and South Korea.
The discussion was kicked off by Azza’s explanation of the background and significance of Cybersecurity Capacity Building Assistance (CCB), which caused particular problems, such as the inability to benefit from the technological advances and the vulnerability of digital threats, especially for developing countries with a low internet penetration level. Furthermore, a curious question emerged: how does the disparity of normative emphasis by donor countries affect the many programs or CCB projects organized by the recipient countries? Through the hybrid state-centric and international-centric approach, Azza picked Japan and South Korea as the samples of donor countries under his scrutiny.
On the one hand, Azza found that Japan’s normative structure in terms of international cybersecurity cooperation is tilted heavily to the security aspect. As an implication, under the global cybersecurity management, Japan obtained its renowned role and identity as a donor who prioritizes normative and material interests which lend themselves to security concerns. Such position and identity manifested itself on Japan’s international CCB assistance that concerns security aspects.
On the other hand, South Korea’s international cybersecurity structure emphasizes the development aspect as an implementation of South Korea’s favourable reputation in international development. Consequently, South Korea underscored material and normative interests dominated by development aspects and non-security orientation as the foundation of her international CCB.
In his closing remarks, Azza concluded that the comparative analysis between Japan and South Korea through the lens of hybrid state-centric and international-centric approaches, as elaborated in his research methodology, enables the fragmentation of global cyber norms due to the different processes and perceptions constructed by states all over the world.
Following the presentation session by Azza, the event carried on with a productive and conducive Q&A session with the audiences.
Writer : Raditya Bomantara
Editor : Publication Team IIS
[RECAP] Annual Convention on Global South 2021 | International Order Beyond the Pandemic: Repositioning of the Global South
/in Past Events/by iis.fisipolPada Tanggal 13 s/d 15 September 2021, IIS UGM menyelenggarakan: Annual Convention on Global South 2021 yang bertemakan “International Order Beyond the Pandemic: Repositioning of the Global South” secara daring via ZOOM. Selama 2 hari berlangsungnya konferensi, peserta dapat menghadiri seminar yang diisi oleh pembicara – pembicara berkualitas dalam sesi seminar, yang kemudian dilanjutkan oleh sesi panel yang menghadirkan para presenter paper yang telah melalui proses seleksi oleh IIS UGM. Selain lewat ZOOM, rangkaian kegiatan GOSOUTH tahun ini dapat diakses lewat kanal Youtube HI UGM
Hari pertama GOSOUTH 2021 dibuka dengan sesi konferensi hari pertama yang menghadirkan Vijay Prashad dari Tricontinental : Institute of Social Research sebagai keynote speaker, yang kemudian dilanjutkan oleh sesi pemaparan oleh para pembicara. Pada sesi hari pertama, IIS UGM mengundang Hassan Wirajuda, Mantan Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia dan Christian Reus Smit dari University of Queensland untuk berbagi mengenai pandangannya tentang Global South dan pandemi global, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi yang berjalan dengan kondusif dengan para peserta. Untuk mendamping para pembicara, pada hari pertama IIS UGM mengundang Luqman-nul Hakim dan Muhadi Sugiono dari Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai chair. Sesi hari pertama kemudian ditutup dengan diskusi panel pertama yang bertemakan “South-South Cooperation and the Reconfiguration of Geopolitics”
Hari kedua dibuka dengan diskusi panel yang membahas mengenai topik “Climate Justice and Environmental Issue in Global South” yang berlangsung sebelum sesi konferensi. Untuk sesi konferensi hari kedua, IIS UGM mengundang Rizky Alif Alvian dari Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai chair. Sesi konferensi hari kedua menghadirkan empat pembicara, yatu Utz Johann Pape dari World Bank, Diah Kusumaningrum dari Universitas Gadjah Mada, Frans Djalong dari Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Maria Tanyag dari Australian National University. Sesi pemaparan oleh keempat pembicara kemudian dilanjutkan oleh sesi diskusi yang berjalan dengan kondusif dengan para peserta konferensi, sebelum akhirnya Rizky Alif menutup sesi konferensi GOSOUTH 2021.
Hari terakhir rangkaian kegiatan GOSOUTH 2021 merupakan diskusi tiga panel berbeda yang berjalan secara simultan. Pada hari ketiga ini, para peserta dapat memilih untuk mengikuti pemaparan materi para presenter dalam panel – panel yang bertemakan “Contesting Resilience : Pandemic, Development, and Resistance”, “Theorising Global South : Representation, Moral Basis, and Realpolitik” dan “Digital Global Development : From Digital Inequality to Digital Justice”. Berakhirnya ketiga panel tersebut menandakan berakhirnya rangkaian kegiatan Annual Convention on Global South 2021 : International Order Beyond the Pandemic: Repositioning of the Global South”
[RECAP] Beyond the Great Wall #15: Transforming Perceptions about China: The Role of Culture and Mass Media
/in Featured, Past Events/by iis.fisipolOn Friday (25/06), the Institute of International Studies UGM held the 15th edition of Beyond the Great Wall Forum, titled “Transforming Perceptions about China: The Role of Culture and Mass Media.” In this edition, BTGW was held online via the Zoom Meetings platform and invited two speakers. First, M. Habib Pashya, an assistant researcher of the International Relations department in Universitas Islam Indonesia, presented “Efforts to Improve China’s Bad Reputation in Indonesia through the Confucian Institute.” The second speaker is Aucky Adi Kurniawan, a student from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang and researcher in Indonesia International Studies Academic Utilization Community, who presented “The Role of Chinese and Western Mass Media in Framing the Uyghur Conflict.” The moderator for this discussion was Indrawan Jatmika, staff of the Research Division in IIS UGM.
Whether it is in Indonesia or at the global level, people’s perception of China is often dominated by doctrines constructed from the West—which lens has been focused on China’s negative side. Responding to this, China is not staying still. Pashya stated that China had been actively engaging with cultural diplomacy since the Cold War era through his presentation. This is because China realizes that China’s political and economic power was relatively weak at the time. China’s cultural diplomacy is enforced through various programs, such as student exchange programs, international events such as the Beijing Olympic of 2008, social campaigns through mass media and radio, international aid such as the Belt and Road Initiative, and by establishing the Confucian Institute in countries all around the world. The Confucian Institute is aimed to promote the Mandarin language and Chinese culture globally. Right now, there are about 500 Confucian Institutes in almost 140 countries—including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the existence of the Confucian Institute has spread massively, especially after Confucianism is recognized as one of the state’s religions during Gus Dur’s presidency. The cultural, diplomatic strategy through the Confucian Institute is done along with the worsening of China’s reputation in Indonesia, especially with the stigmatization against communism and events such as the G30S and the 98 crisis. Essentially this strategy succeeds in bringing a more positive image about China in Indonesia—especially with the emergence of various collaborations with several universities and Muslim organizations. However, in 2019, negative perceptions about China rise significantly because of the Uyghur conflict, problems in the South China Sea, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Focusing on media studies, through his presentation, Aucky explained that basically, “who controls the media, controls the world.” This is what Aucky calls the key behind China’s vigorous efforts in a media campaign, using media as a tool to fix its political image—especially about the Uyghur conflict. The Uyghur conflict has a long and extensive history; it is a minority ethnic group based in Xinjiang, often depicted by Western media as victims of genocide done by the Chinese government. There are many reports about the existence of concentration camps in Xinjiang intentionally built by the Chinese government to brainwash the Uyghur minorities to become supporters of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As a response, the CCP, through the Global Times, a media corporation under its wing, released several news reports framing the Uyghur conflict as a separatist movement. Hence, the Chinese government needs to take serious actions against such threats. Framing is done by publishing stories and news such as “Allegedly Missing Uyghurs Found Living Normally,” indicating that the Uyghur minority in China live normally—the total opposite of Western media reports. Such news is also used to counter stories published by media such as the New York Times, a media company under the wing of the US government, such as “Inside China’s Push to Turn Muslim Minorities into an Army of Workers.” Using the theoretical framework of constructivism and framing model analysis in journalism, Aucky stated that it is evident how mass media is used as a political instrument and a tool for propaganda, both by China and the West, especially regarding the politicization of the Uyghur problem.
Writer : Brigitta Kalina
Editor : Mariola Yansverio