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[IIS RECAP] Peluncuran Kelas Daring “Netizen Juga Citizen: Menyemarakkan Aktivisme Digital”
/in Featured, News, Past Events/by iis.fisipolYogyakarta, 24 Oktober 2024 – Dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat yang lebih demokratis melalui aktivisme digital, Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), berkolaborasi dengan British Council Alumni UK Social Action Grant, mengadakan peluncuran kelas daring yang berjudul “Netizen Juga Citizen: Menyemarakkan Aktivisme Digital”. Kelas ini dapat diakses oleh kalangan umum melalui FISIPOL UGM Online Campus (FOCUS UGM) secara gratis. Peluncuran kelas daring “Netizen Juga Citizen: Menyemarakkan Aktivisme Digital” merupakan acara yang diselenggarakan oleh IIS UGM yang didukung oleh British Council melalui skema hibah Alumni UK Social Action Grant yang mengangkat topik mengenai “Digital Activism For All.” Kelas daring ini diharapkan dapat membekali masyarakat dengan kemampuan untuk merefleksikan, melakukan, dan melembagakan aktivisme digital.
Sambutan dari Mr. Summer Xia selaku Country Director Indonesia & South East Asia Cluster Lead British Council.
Acara dimulai dengan sambutan pertama dari Mr. Summer Xia selaku Country Director Indonesia & South East Asia Cluster Lead British Council. “Aktivisme digital telah menjadi alat penting untuk mendorong perubahan positif dan mewujudkan masyarakat yang lebih adil. Dengan mengintegrasikannya ke dalam platform FOCUS UGM, kami akan membuat pendidikan aktivisme digital dapat diakses oleh semua orang,” ucap Mr. Summer Xia.
Sambutan kedua disampaikan oleh Dr. Luqman-Nul Hakim, Direktur IIS UGM. Dr. Luqman menekankan bahwa “Melalui kegiatan diskusi pada hari ini, kita diharapkan dapat belajar bersama dengan pembicara terkait pengalaman-pengalaman menggunakan dunia digital sebagai ruang aktivisme baru.”
Sambutan ketiga disampaikan oleh Dr. Wawan Mas’udi selaku Dekan FISIPOL UGM yang menggarisbawahi pentingnya aktivisme digital sebagai upaya untuk memperkuat demokrasi serta partisipasi masyarakat dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Sambutan tersebut juga menandakan diresmikannya kelas daring “Netizen Juga Citizen: Menyemarakkan Aktivisme Digital” di platform FOCUS UGM.
Selayang pandang kelas aktivisme digital oleh Dr. Diah Kusumaningrum.
Sebelum masuk ke diskusi utama, Dr. Diah Kusumaningrum memberikan selayang pandang tentang program kelas aktivisme digital. “Pada awalnya, IIS UGM dan Yayasan TIFA bekerja sama untuk membuat modul aktivisme digital. Modul tersebut menjadi basis dalam menyelenggarakan pelatihan di Yogyakarta, Makassar, maupun secara daring dan diikuti oleh 110 organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia. Dari situlah kami berencana untuk memperluas kebermanfaatan dari modul aktivisme digital dengan meluncurkan kelas daring ‘Netizen Juga Citizen: Menyemarakkan Aktivisme Digital’ di platform FOCUS UGM,” kata Dr. Diah.
Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi yang dipandu oleh Ni Made Diah Apsari Dewi. Terdapat tiga pembicara yang turut hadir untuk berbagi pengalaman serta perspektif mereka terkait aktivisme digital, yakni Muhammad Raafi (Koordinator Climate Rangers Jogja), Dzaky Putra Wirahman (Editor in Chief What Is Up, Indonesia?), dan Coory Yohana (Damai Pangkal Damai). Poin-poin yang dibahas berkaitan dengan definisi aktivisme digital, tantangan dan peluang aktivisme digital, serta bagaimana menggunakan aktivisme digital untuk merespons kondisi sosial politik kontemporer di sekitar kita.
Sesi diskusi bersama ketiga pembicara, yaitu Muhammad Raafi (Koordinator Climate Rangers Jogja), Coory Yohana (Damai Pangkal Damai), dan Dzaky Putra Wirahman (Editor in Chief What Is Up, Indonesia? – secara daring).
Beberapa temuan yang didapatkan dari sesi diskusi adalah pertama, aktivisme digital merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat terpisahkan dengan aktivisme konvensional. Aktivisme digital memiliki fungsi sebagai jalur penyebaran informasi, alat pembentuk narasi, serta jalur untuk mendukung aktivisme di lapangan. Kedua, ruang digital bukanlah tempat yang ‘netral’, melainkan tempat ‘tarik ulur’ kekuasaan sehingga kita sebaiknya melihat ruang tersebut sebagai wadah untuk menjalankan kewajiban kewarganegaraan melalui aktivisme digital. Ketiga, kita tidak perlu menunggu kata ‘siap’ untuk melakukan aktivisme digital. Mengambil langkah pertama dan membentuk komunitas merupakan dua hal penting. Komunitas tidak hanya akan ‘meminjamkan keberanian’, tetapi juga dapat melengkapi kekurangan dalam melakukan aktivisme digital yang mungkin kita miliki.
Setelah diskusi selesai, terdapat sesi tanya jawab untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi peserta dalam bertukar pendapat maupun memperdalam pengetahuan mereka. Kemudian, acara ditutup dengan sesi dokumentasi bersama.
Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Albert Nathaniel & Ni Made Diah Apsari Dewi
[IIS RECAP] Stakeholders Meeting Penelitian Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate Crisis (CLICCC)
/in Featured, News, Past Events/by iis.fisipolSebagai bagian dari kegiatan penelitian berjudul Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate Crisis (CLICCC), Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) bersama dengan Murdoch University serta anggota konsorsium CLICCC, mengadakan serangkaian acara diskusi dan pemaparan hasil penelitian pada tanggal 7 – 11 Oktober 2024. Dengan bergerak di bawah naungan hibah KONEKSI, kemitraan CLICCC terdiri dari Murdoch University Indo-Pacific Research Centre, sebagai mitra Australia. Sementara itu, IIS UGM merupakan ketua konsorsium Indonesia yang bermitra dengan RUJAK Centre for Urban Studies; Pusat Studi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Universitas Satya Wacana; Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta; serta Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Penelitian CLICCC berusaha untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan inti. Pertama, bagaimana kerugian dan kerusakan dihitung untuk dan dalam komunitas yang beragam, khususnya untuk sumber daya ekonomi, ekologi, serta non-ekonomi yang kompleks seperti pengetahuan adat dan kesehatan mental? Kedua, kemitraan seperti apa yang perlu dibangun oleh masyarakat dengan pemerintah untuk mengajukan klaim terhadap dana kerugian dan kerusakan secara global? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan inilah yang mendasari riset lapangan di tiga wilayah berbeda, yaitu Pulau Pari di Kepulauan Seribu, Penjaringan di Jakarta Utara, dan Banyusidi di Jawa Tengah.
Pada tanggal 7 – 8 Oktober 2024, tim CLICCC mengadakan rapat internal selama dua hari untuk mengevaluasi proyek strategis. Dua hal yang menjadi sasaran utama evaluasi berkaitan dengan relevansi pertanyaan penelitian dan objektif penelitian. Rapat internal tersebut juga membahas agenda untuk CSO day dan Government day. Dr. Rebecca Meckelburg, fellow researcher IIS UGM, menyampaikan bahwa kita perlu lebih peka ketika mendefinisikan ‘kerentanan’ dalam konsep pembuatan klaim. Komunitas mengalami kerugian ekonomi serta budaya yang berbeda-beda, di mana dampak yang dialami juga berkelindan dengan adanya ketidaksetaraan. Oleh karenanya, kita perlu berhati-hati dalam membuat klaim yang luas mengenai dampak perubahan iklim.
Lokakarya bersama organisasi masyarakat sipil dan para jurnalis pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2024.
Selanjutnya, pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2024, diadakan lokakarya bersama organisasi masyarakat sipil dan para jurnalis. Tujuan dari lokakarya tersebut adalah mengenalkan penelitian CLICCC kepada masyarakat sipil, membangun koalisi yang luas dan beragam untuk Loss & Damage (L&D), serta menciptakan ruang untuk saling berbagi hasil temuan. Lokakarya dihadiri oleh beberapa aktor, seperti WALHI, The Conversation, perwakilan masyarakat Muara Angke dan Muara Baru, perwakilan masyarakat Pulau Pari, serta perwakilan KONEKSI.
Acara dimulai dengan pembukaan dari Dr. Luqman-Nul Hakim selaku Direktur IIS UGM dan diikuti dengan sambutan dari Irene Pingkan Umboh selaku Wakil Kepala Bidang Kemitraan KONEKSI. Lokakarya kemudian dilanjutkan dengan presentasi oleh empat narasumber, yakni Pengenalan Konsorsium dan Kerangka Riset oleh Dr. Luqman-Nul Hakim, Lompat Skala dalam Advokasi Keadilan Iklim oleh Dr. Agung Wardana, Perubahan Iklim dan Dampak pada Masyarakat Pedesaan oleh Dr. Rebecca Meckelburg, serta Loss & Damage: Belajar dari Komunitas Pesisir Kota oleh RUJAK Centre for Urban Studies. Setelah presentasi selesai, terdapat sesi sharing bersama dan storyboard untuk memberikan kesempatan berbagi pendapat atau pengalaman para organisasi masyarakat sipil dan jurnalis yang berkaitan dengan krisis iklim.
Pemaparan hasil penelitian CLICCC bersama pemerintah pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2024.
Di hari keempat (10 Oktober 2024), tim CLICCC mengadakan Government day atau pemaparan hasil penelitian bersama pemerintah yang turut dihadiri oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia; Direktur Pembangunan, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan Hidup – Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia, serta BAPPENAS. Tujuan dari pertemuan tersebut yaitu berbagi hasil penelitian dengan perwakilan pemerintah dan melakukan eksplorasi perkembangan terkini isu perubahan iklim, utamanya dalam hal perubahan rezim.
Kegiatan diawali dengan penjelasan mengenai penelitian CLICCC secara garis besar oleh Jacqui Baker dari Murdoch University dan Dr. Paskal Kleden dari KONEKSI. Jacqui Baker menyampaikan bahwa ide penelitian CLICCC muncul dari fakta di lapangan bahwa perubahan iklim sedang terjadi begitu cepat dan memberikan dampak ekonomi maupun non-ekonomi terhadap kehidupan masyarakat. Karenanya, perlu adanya riset mendalam untuk memetakan aspirasi guna memberikan bantuan kepada masyarakat yang mengalami dampak irreversible akibat perubahan iklim.
Kegiatan kemudian diisi dengan sesi pemaparan hasil penelitian oleh empat narasumber, yakni Dr. Luqman-Nul Hakim dari IIS UGM, Dr. Rebecca Meckelburg yang merupakan fellow researcher IIS UGM, Elisa Sutanudjaja dari RUJAK Centre for Urban Studies, serta Dr. Agung Wardana dari Universitas Gadjah Mada. Salah satu temuan penting dari pemaparan tersebut adalah tata kelola iklim di Indonesia, terutama dalam isu L&D masih kurang efektif karena belum ada kerangka regulasi yang dapat melindungi masyarakat terdampak iklim. Hal tersebut tercermin dari bagaimana slow-onset disaster belum diperhitungkan, padahal variabel tersebut merupakan karakteristik utama dari L&D. Tata kelola iklim nasional tampaknya hanya mereplikasi serta memperkuat model pembangunan teknokratik dan sentralistik. Setelah presentasi selesai, dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanggapan serta tanya jawab bersama pihak pemerintah.
Pada hari terakhir (11 Oktober 2024), acara ditutup dengan diselenggarakannya rapat internal oleh tim CLICCC untuk membahas refleksi dari desain penelitian di masa mendatang. Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan perencanaan kembali mengenai kolaborasi mitra, pengelolaan lembaga, serta jenis hibah yang ingin didapatkan di masa mendatang.
Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Ni Made Diah Apsari Dewi
[IIS RECAP] GO-SOUTH 2024: Global South in Geopolitical Turbulence
/in Featured, News, Past Events/by iis.fisipolYogyakarta, 8 November 2024 – The Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), hosted an annual convention of GO-SOUTH 2024, themed Global South in Geopolitical Turbulence. This annual convention comprised two main agendas, including a special roundtable discussion and an academic seminar.
In the first agenda, the Institute of International Studies, UGM, in collaboration with the Japan Foundation and the Indonesian Association for International Relations (AIHII), organized a special roundtable discussion titled “Japan in Asia: Past, Present, & Future.” As an essential player in the region, Japan has actively contributed to regional economic growth, infrastructure development, and geopolitics in Asia. Hence, this roundtable was designed to initiate vibrant discussion and in-depth dialogue among academics, researchers, and students to reflect on and develop Japanese studies and International Relations in Indonesia. The discussion was held in a hybrid setting, with participants present in person in the Deanery Meeting Room, FISIPOL UGM, and online via Zoom meeting and YouTube Livestream.
The roundtable was conducted in two sessions, moderated by Dr. Luqman-Nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, UGM. The first session discussed the development of Japanese studies in Indonesia in teaching and research and the relationship between Indonesia and Japan in terms of both economic and political relations. Siti Daulah Khoiriati from the Department of International Relations, UGM, and Yako Kozano from the School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, were the main speakers in this first session. The findings delivered by Siti Daulah Khoiriati highlight the development of research themes in Japan that are influenced by the interests of various stakeholders, including educational and research institutions, the government, and funding bodies. She also pointed out that while Japan’s success as a global economic power, technological advancements, and culture have been prominent research themes, there has been limited focus on studying Japanese politics and international relations.
Yako Kozano from the School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, presented his presentation in the roundtable discussion.
Furthermore, Yako Kozano, the second speaker of the first session, presented the topic of Contemporary Political Economic Relations of Japan-Indonesia in Geopolitical Perspectives. He highlighted that Indonesia’s trading partner with Japan has been replaced by the significant presence of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The relationship between Indonesia and Japan should be based on political-economic and geopolitical practices. A thorough Q&A session then followed the first session.
Agus Haryanto from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, presented his presentation in the roundtable discussion.
The second session discussed Japan’s engagement and dynamic role in contemporary regional settings and how this would influence Japanese studies’ current and future development in Indonesia and beyond. In the second session, Agus Haryanto from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, and Isao Yamazaki from the Faculty of Art and Regional Design, Saga University, had a chance to give their valuable insights as the main speakers in the second session. Agus Haryanto explained that Japan’s approach to international security support has evolved significantly over the past few decades, primarily through its Official Development Assistance (ODA) program and the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) deployment. Isao Yamazaki presented Watershed of Reentry or Retreat: History of Indonesia-Japan Relations Revisited. He explained how Japanese culture and propaganda have influenced Indonesia’s society in many aspects, especially in industry, urban planning, music, and art. Before closing the second session, the participants were given the opportunity to ask questions, commentaries, and views.
Isao Yamazaki from the Faculty of Art and Regional Design, Saga University, presented his presentation in the roundtable discussion.
In the second agenda, the Institute of International Studies, UGM, organized an academic seminar themed Global South and the Decolonisation of Knowledge that was held in an online Zoom meeting. The seminar was attended by academicians, practitioners, and experts in relevant fields and aimed to create a robust discussion and debate on the main issue. The academic seminar was moderated by Muhadi Sugiono, lecturer in the Department of International Relations, UGM and the chairman of ICES (Indonesian Community for European Studies), followed by three presentations from each speaker.
Prof. Kate McGregor from the University of Melbourne, delivered her presentation in the academic seminar.
Prof. Kate McGregor from the University of Melbourne delivered the first presentation. She explained transnational women’s activism, global solidarities, and how people in the Global South previously worked together towards a global order today. The roots of Indonesia’s women’s activism were the highlight of her presentation. She also highlighted several actors, including individuals and non-governmental organizations from Indonesia’s grassroots, who highly impacted women’s roles in international activism.
The second presentation on Decolonizing International Relations in Indonesia: How far have we come? was delivered by Dr. Ardhitya Eduard Yeremia Lalisang from Universitas Indonesia. According to him, the study of International Relations should not limit its capabilities in order to gain an understanding of international politics. As a part of the Global South, Indonesia could also have its own unique International Relations theory that deserves recognition. Dr. Yeremia Lalisang has highlighted several acts, cultures, and other milestones that could represent the struggle and also the chance for Indonesia to create its own perspective on International Relations.
In the last presentation, Prof. Mohtar Mas’oed from Universitas Gadjah Mada delivered the presentation titled The Expected Geopolinomic Turbulence & the Global South. According to Prof. Mohtar Mas’oed, from what he sees in Trump’s first term, his return to power would impact the global order. He also pointed out what could be expected from his second term and how the Global South should shape its own path regarding his returns.
The academic seminar was followed by a Q&A session, which ended with a documentation session.
Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Albert Nathaniel
[IIS RECAP] Expert Panel: Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular
/in Featured, News, Past Events/by iis.fisipolYogyakarta, 10 Agustus 2024 – Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) menyelenggarakan kegiatan expert panel bersama Circular School Program Partnership: Indonesia Green Principal Award (IGPA) dengan tema Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular.
Terdapat dua tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui kegiatan expert panel ini. Pertama, memetakan potensi, tantangan, dan strategi pembangunan niche dalam pendidikan ekonomi sirkular. Kedua, upaya co-creation perumusan strategi, intervensi dan langkah antisipasi dalam pengembangan inisiatif sekolah sirkular. Expert panel ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari proyek penelitian ‘Advancing Circular Education for Sustainable Transformation (ACEST): Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular,’ yang didanai oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Kegiatan dipandu oleh Wendi Wiliyanto selaku Master of Ceremony dengan empat rangkaian aktivitas.
Pertama, expert panel dibuka dengan kata sambutan oleh Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, Direktur IIS UGM. “Mudah-mudahan, bukan hanya kita saling bertukar pikiran, tetapi kegiatan ini juga dapat menjadi ruang silaturahmi dan momen yang fun bagi kita semua. Semoga acara ini berjalan lancar dan kita bisa memperoleh pengetahuan dan pertemanan,” ucap Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim.
Kemudian, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan sambutan oleh Dr. Maharani Hapsari, selaku ketua peneliti proyek ini. Dalam sambutannya, Dr. Maharani Hapsari menekankan keinginan besar tim riset untuk belajar banyak dari Bapak/Ibu panelis dalam membangun keterampilan leadership (kepemimpinan) karena masih banyak agenda yang perlu diperbaiki dalam level universitas, utamanya UGM. “Melaksanakan riset sirkular ekonomi ini adalah upaya kami untuk mendukung kebijakan-kebijakan di level universitas juga,” kata Dr. Maharani Hapsari.
Terakhir, sambutan disampaikan oleh Dr. Junita Widiati Arfani, selaku koordinator Circular School Program Partnership. “Sebagai pihak yang mendukung acara ini, semoga kita bisa berkumpul dan berbagi wawasan berharga. Hari ini kita akan mendengarkan para ahli di bidang sekolah sirkular yang dianggap sudah menunjukkan kepemimpinan dan inovasi. Dan terimakasih Bapak/Ibu sekalian sudah siap berbagi pengetahuan serta menjawab berbagai pertanyaan seputar pengalaman dan visi ke depan Bapak/Ibu,” ucap Dr. Junita Widiati Arfani.
Kedua, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan proyek riset dan permainan sederhana yang dipandu oleh Dr. Suci Lestari Yuana dan Dr. Ririn Tri Nurhayati. Pemaparan materi berfokus pada latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, dan maksud keterlibatan partisipan dalam kegiatan expert panel tersebut.
Ketiga, kegiatan Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus sebagai inti agenda dimulai. Objektif utama dalam kegiatan ini berorientasi pada upaya pemetaan inovasi dalam transformasi sekolah sirkular. Terdapat dua topik besar yang menjadi basis diskusi: 1) eksplorasi posisi local practices yang tumbuh dan berkembang di sekolah melalui Transformative Pathway for Mundane Circular Economy dan 2) petualangan proses pembelajaran sekolah dalam implementasi ekonomi sirkular serta ekspektasi dan visi transformasi sekolah sirkular di masa depan melalui Strategic Niche Management.
Keempat, Bapak/Ibu partisipan diundang untuk bermain simulasi debat dengan topik implementasi kebijakan ekonomi sirkular dalam ranah kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan ini dipandu oleh Laras Kineta. Kegiatan berjalan lancar dan menyenangkan. Kegiatan ini berhasil menggambarkan bahwa transformasi tidak selalu dimulai dari tingkat pemerintah; seringkali, perubahan juga bisa berasal dari level lokal.
Simak lebih lanjut laporan kegiatan melalui file berikut.
[IIS Recap] AAS-in-Asia Conference 2024 Panel Session: Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis
/in Featured, News (English), Past Events/by iis.fisipolOn July 9th – 11th, 2024, the Association for Asian Studies and Universitas Gadjah Mada organized the AAS-in-Asia Conference 2024 themed Global Asias: Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. At this conference, the Institute of International Studies, Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), collaborating with Murdoch University and RUJAK Center for Urban Studies, presented a panel session titled “Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis” on Thursday, 11th July 2024. The panel session was held in Room 310, 3rd Floor of the R. Soegondo Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It discussed the consortium’s ongoing research project under the KONEKSI-DFAT research grant regarding Indonesia’s Loss and Damage (L&D) framework and how communities can be involved in decision-making.
Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, presented his presentation in the panel session.
The panel session began with a presentation on “L&D and Political-Economy of Sustainable Development in Indonesia” by Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies. In his presentation, Dr. Luqman highlighted that ineffective climate governance poses significant threats to the welfare and safety of the Indonesian community. The inadequacy to handle the Loss and Damage issue can be seen through how adaptive approach to climate change still prioritizes economic gains rather than the protection of human rights. In the international sphere, the effectiveness of Indonesia’s climate diplomacy on L&D is compromised when there is a lack of domestic legitimacy and inadequate credibility globally.
Dr. Rebecca Meckelburg delivered her presentation in the panel session.
The second presentation was delivered by Dr. Rebecca Meckelburg, titled “Measuring Loss and Damage: The Significance of Local-Indigenous Relationships in Comprehending Climate Change Impacts.” This presentation is based on ethnographic field-research findings in Banyusidi. One of the major findings underscores the need to develop a ‘common language’ for discussing climate change, as there are specific local terms used by local communities to talk about climate change. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate local knowledge to identify climate change and its impacts.
The panel session continued with the third presentation from the RUJAK Center for Urban Studies by Dr. Dian Tri Irawaty, who explained the “Urban Findings Report” based on field research findings in the Penjaringan sub-district. Dr. Dian underscored that climate change has worsened the economic, socio-political, and environmental problems. The main measurable consequences communities have faced include income reduction and increased expenses. Meanwhile, the non-measurable consequences include physical or mental health, and conflict among community members in Penjaringan.
In the last presentation, Dr. Agung Wardana from Universitas Gadjah Mada presented the L&D in Small Islands with the case study of Pari Island. Dr. Agung narrowed down the focus to the experience of Pari Island, as a sub-national small island whose inhabitants recently launched a climate litigation through the Asmania et al. vs Holcim case. In his presentation, he analyzed the structural factors that have influenced the climate-affected community in the Global South to decide to engage in transnational climate litigation. The panel session was then followed by a Q & A Session.
Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Ni Made Diah Apsari Dewi & Nabilah Nur Abiyanti
[IIS Recap] Discussion with the Asia New Zealand Foundation: Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis
/in News (English), Past Events/by iis.fisipolYogyakarta, 27 June 2024 — The Global Engagement Office (GEO) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Institute of International Studies, Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), hosted a discussion with the Asia New Zealand Foundation. The discussion was held in the Dean’s courtroom, 2nd floor of the BB building, FISIPOL, and included several series of activities in a hybrid scheme. It aimed to talk about the main theme of Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis.
Dr. Fina Itriyati, the Vice Dean of FISIPOL UGM, delivered her welcome speech.
The discussion was moderated by Yulida Nuraini Santoso, M.Sc, the Manager of GEO FISIPOL, and began with the opening remarks from Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It continued with a welcome speech from the Vice Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Dr. Fina Itriyati. “It is important to see how communities can participate in policy-making to ensure their voices are heard. Thus, cooperation between universities and think tanks is crucial to create a collective effort against climate change,” said Dr. Fina.
Dr. Jordan King from the Asia New Zealand Foundation delivered his welcome speech.
Furthermore, the Asia New Zealand Foundation’s Representative also delivered a welcome speech. According to Dr. Jordan King, New Zealand and Indonesia share significant similarities, including the presence of strong indigenous communities, their geographical location within the Ring of Fire, a close trading partnership, and a history of colonization. Due to its significant economic expansion and geopolitical influence, it is imperative to visit Indonesia and have a comprehensive understanding of the country.
The discussion with the Asia New Zealand Foundation began with the first presentation from Ms. Elisa Sutanudjaja, the Executive Director of RUJAK Center for Urban Studies. This presentation was based on field research findings in the Penjaringan sub-district. Ms. Elisa highlighted that climate change is not well-identified. As communities experience different conditions, they have different methods to identify climate change. Her findings also suggest that the existing national policy puts communities at more risk since the community is not engaged in the policy-making process. The inadequate leadership and insufficient engagement with the community generate unclear indicators and goals of climate change that endangers the livelihood of the Indonesian community.
The second presentation was delivered by Dr. Agung Wardana from Universitas Gadjah Mada, who explained the loss and damage in Pari Island, Kepulauan Seribu Regency. According to Dr. Agung, Indonesia is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, where numerous small islands in the country are in danger. The beauty of Pari Island has led to conflicts over its ownership. The company asserts ownership over 90% of the island, while the government manages the remaining 10% for conservation. Additionally, due to the geographic condition of Pari Island, the area is more prone to face severe problems regarding climate change impacts, such as more frequent coastal flooding. It puts the communities in a vulnerable economic condition as they depend on fishing for their livelihood.
Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, presented his ongoing research in the discussion.
In the last presentation, Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim presented the Politics of Sustainable Development in an Age of Climate Crisis. Indonesia has been involved in various global climate regimes and tried to adopt the global goals on climate change. However, the implementation of those normative goals in the national development context remains uncertain. “National climate governance strengthens the technocratic approach to deal with the climate crisis, and Indonesia has not sufficiently developed tools related to the Loss and Displacement issue,” emphasized Dr. Luqman. The discussion was then followed by a Q&A and documentation session.
Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Albert Nathaniel & Nabilah Nur Abiyanti