[IIS BRIEF] The Kremlin’s Visit to the Red Dragon’s Lair: A Stimulus-Response Look into Russia’s May Visit to China

On April 29, 2024, NATO Secretary General (Jens Stoltenberg) visited Kyiv to reaffirm NATO’s support for Ukraine amid the ongoing war with Russia. Two weeks later, Vladimir Putin visited Beijing, marking the first meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in over six months. It raised questions about the timing and significance of the visit, especially in light of recent developments between Russia and China and Stoltenberg’s earlier visit to Ukraine. How the meeting between NATO and Ukraine served as a stimulus for Russia that eventually led to its response in the form of engagement with China? This episode of IIS Brief will analyze the Putin’s visit to Beijing on May 2024 using the stimulus-response theory.

Author: Raihan Alfi
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR

[IIS BRIEF] No Momentum for Change: A Look into the Gender Gap of Employment and Shifting Perspective of Women Working in Japan

The discourse on the gender gap in employment is predominantly discussed in developing countries. However, developed countries also face the same problem with different intensities, despite the high number of people who have completed higher education. Women in developed countries still face unequal pay hidden within the triumph from the high rate of women participating in labour. For instance, Japan, as a leading country in education across Asia with a low gender gap rate of -2.7%, has also been one of the bottom performers with a high gender pay gap of 25.9%. How the gender gap in employment persists among developed countries, especially in Japan?

Author: Tri Nur Chasanah
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR

[IIS Brief] Geoengineering as A ‘Temporary Solution’? It is either a path towards catastrophe or an escalation to an even worse crisis

Even though countries have committed to reduce global temperature rise to below 2°C through the Paris Agreement, global temperatures are predicted to break the climate threshold of 1.5°C in 2027. This shows how the climate change mitigation and emission reduction are often fail in pursuing the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. Instead of focusing on reducing emissions, developed countries such as the United States are considering geoengineering alternatives. How come geoengineering, which potentially violates international laws and harms climate justice, could be considered as an option to prevent climate disasters?

Author: Mas Intan Putri Apriani
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR

[IIS Brief] Democracy Under Siege: The Rise of Authoritarianism in Tunisia

The Arab Spring movement in Middle Eastern countries is regarded as a significant catalyst for democratisation in the region. Tunisia emerges as the only country where democratisation has persisted following the Arab Spring. After the impeachment of President Zainal Abidin Ibn Ali in 2011, Tunisia embarked on a process of democratisation, marked by the implementation of democratic presidential elections and a sequence of institutional reforms. Tunisia was deemed successful in achieving democratisation through two peaceful power transfers and fair elections in 2014 and 2019. Nevertheless, the prospect of democratisation in Tunisia is currently diminishing. What is the reason behind this occurrence?

Author: Rachmania Utami Tsalasa Putri
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR

[IIS Brief] Fostering Indonesia’s Global Leadership: Triangular Climate Cooperation in the Caribbean


As an effort to play more active roles in international affairs, Indonesia promotes collaboration with the Caribbean, particularly concerning climate action. This diplomatic effort aims to achieve national interest, as well as enhance Indonesia’s leadership in the global arena. Given the similar threats faced by both regions, Indonesia and the Caribbean should take part in triangular cooperation to address climate-related challenges. The cooperation has several opportunities that can be taken advantage of. However, several challenges also appear and may impede the effectiveness and efficiency of triangular cooperation.

This brief will analyze broadly the opportunities and challenges in climate cooperation between Indonesia and the Caribbean.


Author: Sayyid Al Murtadho
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR


[IIS Policy Brief] Pengaturan Tata Kelola Taksi Daring di Indonesia : Siapa yang Harus Pegang Kendali?


Kegiatan jasa layanan transportasi berbasis daring yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan berbasis teknologi aplikasi, memiliki dampak besar pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia, yakni sebesar 5,7% pada tahun 2021. Peran pemerintah sebagai regulator sangat penting, termasuk dalam kebijakan tarif dasar dan standar pelayanan minimal (SPM). Penelitian ini mengevaluasi implementasi pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri (PM) Perhubungan No 118/2018 tentang penentuan tarif Angkutan Sewa Khusus Roda Empat (taksi daring). PM ini berlangsung secara nasional termasuk di daerah, dan implementasinya merupakan kewenangan daerah. Konsekuensinya, ada beragam aturan tarif yang berbeda-beda antar daerah, terkadang yang diatur keluar dari mandat yang diberikan oleh PM. Pertanyaannya adalah mengapa lahir variasi implementasi PM 118/2018 di daerah? Apa yang menyebabkannya, dan apa opsi solusi mengatasi ini?

[IIS BRIEF] An Ecosocial View of Climate Justice: Madagascar’s Famine

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[IIS BRIEF] Konflik Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan Pemerintah Indonesia: Pelanggaran HAM Dua Arah terhadap Warga Sipil Aceh

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[IIS BRIEF] Lessons Learned: Reflection of the Elements of Identity through Papua Liberation Issue

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[IIS BRIEF] Heuristics of International Relations Theories: Future Discourses and Problem-Shifts in International Relations Studies

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