[IIS RECAP] GO-SOUTH 2024: Global South in Geopolitical Turbulence

Yogyakarta, 8 November 2024 – The Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), hosted an annual convention of GO-SOUTH 2024, themed Global South in Geopolitical Turbulence. This annual convention comprised two main agendas, including a special roundtable discussion and an academic seminar.

In the first agenda, the Institute of International Studies, UGM, in collaboration with the Japan Foundation and the Indonesian Association for International Relations (AIHII), organized a special roundtable discussion titled “Japan in Asia: Past, Present, & Future.” As an essential player in the region, Japan has actively contributed to regional economic growth, infrastructure development, and geopolitics in Asia. Hence, this roundtable was designed to initiate vibrant discussion and in-depth dialogue among academics, researchers, and students to reflect on and develop Japanese studies and International Relations in Indonesia. The discussion was held in a hybrid setting, with participants present in person in the Deanery Meeting Room, FISIPOL UGM, and online via Zoom meeting and YouTube Livestream.

The roundtable was conducted in two sessions, moderated by Dr. Luqman-Nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, UGM. The first session discussed the development of Japanese studies in Indonesia in teaching and research and the relationship between Indonesia and Japan in terms of both economic and political relations. Siti Daulah Khoiriati from the Department of International Relations, UGM, and Yako Kozano from the School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, were the main speakers in this first session. The findings delivered by Siti Daulah Khoiriati highlight the development of research themes in Japan that are influenced by the interests of various stakeholders, including educational and research institutions, the government, and funding bodies. She also pointed out that while Japan’s success as a global economic power, technological advancements, and culture have been prominent research themes, there has been limited focus on studying Japanese politics and international relations.

Furthermore, Yako Kozano, the second speaker of the first session, presented the topic of Contemporary Political Economic Relations of Japan-Indonesia in Geopolitical Perspectives. He highlighted that Indonesia’s trading partner with Japan has been replaced by the significant presence of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The relationship between Indonesia and Japan should be based on political-economic and geopolitical practices. A thorough Q&A session then followed the first session.

Agus Haryanto from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, presented his presentation in the roundtable discussion.

The second session discussed Japan’s engagement and dynamic role in contemporary regional settings and how this would influence Japanese studies’ current and future development in Indonesia and beyond. In the second session, Agus Haryanto from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, and Isao Yamazaki from the Faculty of Art and Regional Design, Saga University, had a chance to give their valuable insights as the main speakers in the second session. Agus Haryanto explained that Japan’s approach to international security support has evolved significantly over the past few decades, primarily through its Official Development Assistance (ODA) program and the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) deployment. Isao Yamazaki presented Watershed of Reentry or Retreat: History of Indonesia-Japan Relations Revisited. He explained how Japanese culture and propaganda have influenced Indonesia’s society in many aspects, especially in industry, urban planning, music, and art. Before closing the second session, the participants were given the opportunity to ask questions, commentaries, and views.

In the second agenda, the Institute of International Studies, UGM, organized an academic seminar themed Global South and the Decolonisation of Knowledge that was held in an online Zoom meeting. The seminar was attended by academicians, practitioners, and experts in relevant fields and aimed to create a robust discussion and debate on the main issue. The academic seminar was moderated by Muhadi Sugiono, lecturer in the Department of International Relations, UGM and the chairman of ICES (Indonesian Community for European Studies), followed by three presentations from each speaker.

Prof. Kate McGregor from the University of Melbourne, delivered her presentation in the academic seminar.

Prof. Kate McGregor from the University of Melbourne delivered the first presentation. She explained transnational women’s activism, global solidarities, and how people in the Global South previously worked together towards a global order today. The roots of Indonesia’s women’s activism were the highlight of her presentation. She also highlighted several actors, including individuals and non-governmental organizations from Indonesia’s grassroots, who highly impacted women’s roles in international activism.

The second presentation on Decolonizing International Relations in Indonesia: How far have we come? was delivered by Dr. Ardhitya Eduard Yeremia Lalisang from Universitas Indonesia. According to him, the study of International Relations should not limit its capabilities in order to gain an understanding of international politics. As a part of the Global South, Indonesia could also have its own unique International Relations theory that deserves recognition. Dr. Yeremia Lalisang has highlighted several acts, cultures, and other milestones that could represent the struggle and also the chance for Indonesia to create its own perspective on International Relations.

In the last presentation, Prof. Mohtar Mas’oed from Universitas Gadjah Mada delivered the presentation titled The Expected Geopolinomic Turbulence & the Global South. According to Prof. Mohtar Mas’oed, from what he sees in Trump’s first term, his return to power would impact the global order. He also pointed out what could be expected from his second term and how the Global South should shape its own path regarding his returns.

The academic seminar was followed by a Q&A session, which ended with a documentation session.

Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Albert Nathaniel

[IIS RECAP] Expert Panel: Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular

Yogyakarta, 10 Agustus 2024 – Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) menyelenggarakan kegiatan expert panel bersama Circular School Program Partnership: Indonesia Green Principal Award (IGPA) dengan tema Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular.

Terdapat dua tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui kegiatan expert panel ini. Pertama, memetakan potensi, tantangan, dan strategi pembangunan niche dalam pendidikan ekonomi sirkular. Kedua, upaya co-creation perumusan strategi, intervensi dan langkah antisipasi dalam pengembangan inisiatif sekolah sirkular. Expert panel ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari proyek penelitian ‘Advancing Circular Education for Sustainable Transformation (ACEST): Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular,’ yang didanai oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Kegiatan dipandu oleh Wendi Wiliyanto selaku Master of Ceremony dengan empat rangkaian aktivitas.

Pertama, expert panel dibuka dengan kata sambutan oleh Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, Direktur IIS UGM. “Mudah-mudahan, bukan hanya kita saling bertukar pikiran, tetapi kegiatan ini juga dapat menjadi ruang silaturahmi dan momen yang fun bagi kita semua. Semoga acara ini berjalan lancar dan kita bisa memperoleh pengetahuan dan pertemanan,” ucap Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim.

Kemudian, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan sambutan oleh Dr. Maharani Hapsari, selaku ketua peneliti proyek ini. Dalam sambutannya, Dr. Maharani Hapsari menekankan keinginan besar tim riset untuk belajar banyak dari Bapak/Ibu panelis dalam membangun keterampilan leadership (kepemimpinan) karena masih banyak agenda yang perlu diperbaiki dalam level universitas, utamanya UGM. “Melaksanakan riset sirkular ekonomi ini adalah upaya kami untuk mendukung kebijakan-kebijakan di level universitas juga,” kata Dr. Maharani Hapsari.

Terakhir, sambutan disampaikan oleh Dr. Junita Widiati Arfani, selaku koordinator Circular School Program Partnership. “Sebagai pihak yang mendukung acara ini, semoga kita bisa berkumpul dan berbagi wawasan berharga. Hari ini kita akan mendengarkan para ahli di bidang sekolah sirkular yang dianggap sudah menunjukkan kepemimpinan dan inovasi. Dan terimakasih Bapak/Ibu sekalian sudah siap berbagi pengetahuan serta menjawab berbagai pertanyaan seputar pengalaman dan visi ke depan Bapak/Ibu,” ucap Dr. Junita Widiati Arfani.

Kedua, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan proyek riset dan permainan sederhana yang dipandu oleh Dr. Suci Lestari Yuana dan Dr. Ririn Tri Nurhayati. Pemaparan materi berfokus pada latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, dan maksud keterlibatan partisipan dalam kegiatan expert panel tersebut.

Ketiga, kegiatan Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus sebagai inti agenda dimulai. Objektif utama dalam kegiatan ini berorientasi pada upaya pemetaan inovasi dalam transformasi sekolah sirkular. Terdapat dua topik besar yang menjadi basis diskusi: 1) eksplorasi posisi local practices yang tumbuh dan berkembang di sekolah melalui Transformative Pathway for Mundane Circular Economy dan 2) petualangan proses pembelajaran sekolah dalam implementasi ekonomi sirkular serta ekspektasi dan visi transformasi sekolah sirkular di masa depan melalui Strategic Niche Management.

Keempat, Bapak/Ibu partisipan diundang untuk bermain simulasi debat dengan topik implementasi kebijakan ekonomi sirkular dalam ranah kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan ini dipandu oleh Laras Kineta. Kegiatan berjalan lancar dan menyenangkan. Kegiatan ini berhasil menggambarkan bahwa transformasi tidak selalu dimulai dari tingkat pemerintah; seringkali, perubahan juga bisa berasal dari level lokal.

Simak lebih lanjut laporan kegiatan melalui file berikut.

[IIS Recap] AAS-in-Asia Conference 2024 Panel Session: Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis

On July 9th – 11th, 2024, the Association for Asian Studies and Universitas Gadjah Mada organized the AAS-in-Asia Conference 2024 themed Global Asias: Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. At this conference, the Institute of International Studies, Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), collaborating with Murdoch University and RUJAK Center for Urban Studies, presented a panel session titled “Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis” on Thursday, 11th July 2024. The panel session was held in Room 310, 3rd Floor of the R. Soegondo Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It discussed the consortium’s ongoing research project under the KONEKSI-DFAT research grant regarding Indonesia’s Loss and Damage (L&D) framework and how communities can be involved in decision-making.

Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, presented his presentation in the panel session.

The panel session began with a presentation on “L&D and Political-Economy of Sustainable Development in Indonesia” by Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies. In his presentation, Dr. Luqman highlighted that ineffective climate governance poses significant threats to the welfare and safety of the Indonesian community. The inadequacy to handle the Loss and Damage issue can be seen through how adaptive approach to climate change still prioritizes economic gains rather than the protection of human rights. In the international sphere, the effectiveness of Indonesia’s climate diplomacy on L&D is compromised when there is a lack of domestic legitimacy and inadequate credibility globally.

Dr. Rebecca Meckelburg delivered her presentation in the panel session.

The second presentation was delivered by Dr. Rebecca Meckelburg, titled “Measuring Loss and Damage: The Significance of Local-Indigenous Relationships in Comprehending Climate Change Impacts.” This presentation is based on ethnographic field-research findings in Banyusidi. One of the major findings underscores the need to develop a ‘common language’ for discussing climate change, as there are specific local terms used by local communities to talk about climate change. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate local knowledge to identify climate change and its impacts.

The panel session continued with the third presentation from the RUJAK Center for Urban Studies by Dr. Dian Tri Irawaty, who explained the “Urban Findings Report” based on field research findings in the Penjaringan sub-district. Dr. Dian underscored that climate change has worsened the economic, socio-political, and environmental problems. The main measurable consequences communities have faced include income reduction and increased expenses. Meanwhile, the non-measurable consequences include physical or mental health, and conflict among community members in Penjaringan.

In the last presentation, Dr. Agung Wardana from Universitas Gadjah Mada presented the L&D in Small Islands with the case study of Pari Island. Dr. Agung narrowed down the focus to the experience of Pari Island, as a sub-national small island whose inhabitants recently launched a climate litigation through the Asmania et al. vs Holcim case. In his presentation, he analyzed the structural factors that have influenced the climate-affected community in the Global South to decide to engage in transnational climate litigation. The panel session was then followed by a Q & A Session.


Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari

Editor: Ni Made Diah Apsari Dewi & Nabilah Nur Abiyanti



[IIS Recap] Discussion with the Asia New Zealand Foundation: Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis

Yogyakarta, 27 June 2024 — The Global Engagement Office (GEO) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Institute of International Studies, Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), hosted a discussion with the Asia New Zealand Foundation. The discussion was held in the Dean’s courtroom, 2nd floor of the BB building, FISIPOL, and included several series of activities in a hybrid scheme. It aimed to talk about the main theme of Contesting Loss for Indonesian Communities in Climate-Crisis.

Dr. Fina Itriyati, the Vice Dean of FISIPOL UGM, delivered her welcome speech.

The discussion was moderated by Yulida Nuraini Santoso, M.Sc, the Manager of GEO FISIPOL, and began with the opening remarks from Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It continued with a welcome speech from the Vice Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Dr. Fina Itriyati. “It is important to see how communities can participate in policy-making to ensure their voices are heard. Thus, cooperation between universities and think tanks is crucial to create a collective effort against climate change,” said Dr. Fina.

Dr. Jordan King from the Asia New Zealand Foundation delivered his welcome speech.

Furthermore, the Asia New Zealand Foundation’s Representative also delivered a welcome speech. According to Dr. Jordan King, New Zealand and Indonesia share significant similarities, including the presence of strong indigenous communities, their geographical location within the Ring of Fire, a close trading partnership, and a history of colonization. Due to its significant economic expansion and geopolitical influence, it is imperative to visit Indonesia and have a comprehensive understanding of the country.

The discussion with the Asia New Zealand Foundation began with the first presentation from Ms. Elisa Sutanudjaja, the Executive Director of RUJAK Center for Urban Studies. This presentation was based on field research findings in the Penjaringan sub-district. Ms. Elisa highlighted that climate change is not well-identified. As communities experience different conditions, they have different methods to identify climate change. Her findings also suggest that the existing national policy puts communities at more risk since the community is not engaged in the policy-making process. The inadequate leadership and insufficient engagement with the community generate unclear indicators and goals of climate change that endangers the livelihood of the Indonesian community.

The second presentation was delivered by Dr. Agung Wardana from Universitas Gadjah Mada, who explained the loss and damage in Pari Island, Kepulauan Seribu Regency. According to Dr. Agung, Indonesia is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, where numerous small islands in the country are in danger. The beauty of Pari Island has led to conflicts over its ownership. The company asserts ownership over 90% of the island, while the government manages the remaining 10% for conservation. Additionally, due to the geographic condition of Pari Island, the area is more prone to face severe problems regarding climate change impacts, such as more frequent coastal flooding. It puts the communities in a vulnerable economic condition as they depend on fishing for their livelihood.

Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, presented his ongoing research in the discussion.

In the last presentation, Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim presented the Politics of Sustainable Development in an Age of Climate Crisis. Indonesia has been involved in various global climate regimes and tried to adopt the global goals on climate change. However,  the implementation of those normative goals in the national development context remains uncertain. “National climate governance strengthens the technocratic approach to deal with the climate crisis, and Indonesia has not sufficiently developed tools related to the Loss and Displacement issue,” emphasized Dr. Luqman. The discussion was then followed by a Q&A and documentation session.

Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Albert Nathaniel & Nabilah Nur Abiyanti

[IIS RECAP] Revisiting EU-Asia Pacific Relations through the EUSAAP Conference 2024 with IIS UGM and ICES

Yogyakarta, 21 May 2024 – In order to maintain security, stability, and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region, the European Union continues to strengthen its cooperation framework with countries in the region. It is reflected in the concrete action of the European Union initiated in 2021 through a cooperation map in seven priority sectors of cooperative relations, covering aspects of welfare, green energy transition, maritime governance, digital governance and partnerships, connectedness, security and defense, and human security. Aligning with the objectives of the European Union cooperation policy, the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), in collaboration with the Indonesian Community for European Studies (ICES) and Institute of International Studies, Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), held the EUSAAP Conference 2024. This conference aims to become a strategic forum for academics to exchange knowledge about innovations, conditions, and observations regarding changes in the foreign policy landscape of the European Union and countries in the Asia Pacific region from interdisciplinary perspectives.

The conference host, Mr. Muhadi Sugiono, delivered his welcoming speech at the opening session in Balai Senat, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

The EUSAAP Conference 2024 began with an opening session at Balai Senat, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This session included opening remarks from Mr. Muhadi Sugiono as the conference host, Prof. Martin Holland as EUSAAP Secretary General, and Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro as Vice Rector for Education and Learning of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The keynote speech and presentation were delivered by Mr. Stéphane Mechati, EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. The opening session continued with a roundtable discussion, which delved deeper into the main theme of the conference, Revisiting EU-Asia Pacific relations, led by Dr. Luqman Nul Hakim.

According to Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, Vice Rector for Education and Learning of Universitas Gadjah Mada, the EUSAAP Conference 2024 serves as a significant platform for revisiting the European Union and Asia Pacific relations in the context of current urgent concerns. Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro emphasized that the conference serves not only to discover new strategies in partnerships but also to continuously evaluate the readiness and dedication to building strong partnerships between the European Union and Asia Pacific.

Reflecting on that urgency, Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro stated that the EUSAAP Conference 2024 is an important forum to produce inclusive knowledge for reshaping the global governance order. “As academics, we are crucial in providing nuances and perspectives on global governance. We are the beacon to produce inclusive knowledge that will be used for shaping or reshaping global governance. Hence, your participation in this conference would be highly appreciated,” said Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro.

In a short interview with the EUSAAP President, Mr. Muhadi Sugiono highlighted the dynamic relations between the European Union and Asia Pacific. The relationship between the two parties is considered promising because of their mutual interests. Nevertheless, the obstacles are reflected in the need to harmonize the multicultural condition of the European Union and countries in the Asia Pacific region. Therefore, efforts to enhance the relations between the European Union and Asia Pacific are crucial in order to foster security stability and encourage positive growth. “We need to build better communication and understanding that will create better relations. Hence, the real partnership can be achieved meaningfully,” Mr. Muhadi Sugiono explained.

The significance of the EUSAAP Conference 2024 towards the European Union and Asia Pacific relations was also delivered by Prof. Martin Holland, EUSAAP Secretary General. This conference serves as an essential measure to maintain the cooperation between the European Union and countries in the Asia Pacific region, along with the global geopolitical transition. It is interesting to see how experts, diplomats, and young postgraduates discussed their research. Indonesia’s rise as a global economic and cultural center has encouraged the European Union to recognize the diversity of the Asia Pacific region. In this regard, the European Union has attempted to change its approach towards the Asia Pacific region to create better political-economic policies.

In line with Prof. Holland’s statement, the Vice Head of the EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Stéphane Mechati, underscored the importance of a forum to bring together diverse perspectives and interests from Indonesia and the European Union. Not just propaganda from a single party, but the European Union wants to build dialogue and reciprocal relations, establishing mutually advantageous partnerships for the European Union and the Asia Pacific Region.

One of the participants presented their research in the panel presentation and discussion.

Following the end of the opening session of the EUSAAP Conference 2024, the conference proceeded with a panel presentation and discussion held at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UGM. Around 40 academics and researchers, both undergraduate and postgraduate from various countries, attended the panel presentation session. In addition to presenting their research findings, the academics also had the chance to exchange opinions and provide comments on the study related to the interactions between the European Union and Asia Pacific.

Written by: Albert Nathaniel & Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari

[IIS RECAP] Webinar STAIR: The Politics of Video Games in IR

Jumat (8/09) lalu Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada telah menyelenggarakan edisi ketujuh dari Seminar STAIR (Science Technology and Arts in International Relations) secara daring via Zoom Meeting. Tema diskusi kali ini adalah “The Politics of Video Games in IR”. dalam kesempatan kali ini, IIS UGM mengundang dua pembicara untuk membagikan ilmunya seputar politik dalam dunia video game. Pembicara pertama adalah Dr. Ardian Indro Yuwono, Dosen Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada yang juga sering meneliti tentang video game. Pembicara kedua adalah Amanda Dara Amadea, Alumni Ilmu Hubungan Internasional UGM sekaligus perwakilan dari RIOT Games. Untuk mendampingi kedua pembicara, Masako Omposunggu (IIS UGM) bertugas sebagai moderator, dan turut didampingi oleh Suci Lestari Yuana (Inisiator program STAIR dan Dosen HI UGM) dan Muhammad Rum (Dosen HI UGM) yang berperan menjadi penanggap diskusi.

Diskusi dibuka dengan pembahasan singkat dari Dr. Ardian yang membahas mengenai bagaimana video game secara bertahap mulai menjadi salah satu media populer yang menarik untuk dikaji. Image video game yang dulu hanyalah sebatas permainan untuk melepas penat kini dapat menjadi objek penelitian tentang berbagai macam isu, termasuk politik. Isu – isu HI seperti konflik, perang, diskriminasi dan lain – lain juga terap ditemukan dalam video game, seperti contohnya game – game tahun 2000-an yang seringkali mengambil tema Perang di Afghanistan atau Irak sebagai hasil dari kampanye War on Terror Amerika Serikat sebagai respon atas serangan teror 9/11. Oleh karena itu, video game kini menjadi semakin menarik untuk diteliti, dan prospek video game yang semakin terjangkau oleh banyak pihak kedepannya juga berperan penting dalam hal tersebut.

Dara melanjutkan sesi dengan membagikan pengalamannya sebagai seorang alumni Ilmu Hubungan Internasional yang kini telah cukup lama berpartisipasi dalam dunia video game dan juga pandangannya terhadap situasi industri video game dewasa ini. Kini, video game menjadi lebih terbuka terhadap isu representasi, dan karakterisasi karakter – karakter video game modern telah mengalami transisi menjadi lebih representasi. Banyak karakter video game yang kini merepresentasikan berbagai komunitas dan etnis minoritas dalam lore-nya, terutama dengan game game dengan karakterisasi dan penggambaran lore yang kuat seperti halnya Valorant, Apex Legends, Overwatch, dan lain lain. Dengan inklusivitas yang terus berkembang , tentunya banyak pihak cukup optimis dengan masa depan industri video game.

Seusai sesi pemaparan singkat kedua pembicara, sesi dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi yang melibatkan peserta dan kedua penanggap diskusi. Masako selaku moderator membantu memfasilitasi sesi diskusi yang berjalan dengan cukup kondusif dan dipenuhi oleh pertanyaan para peserta yang partisipatif. Para peserta mengajukan beberapa tanggapan dan pertanyaan, baik langsung lewat Zoom maupun lewat fitur chat yang tersedia.

Seusai sesi diskusi, kedua pembicara diberikan waktu untuk memberikan closing statement untuk mengakhiri sesi, sebelum acara ditutup oleh moderator


[IIS RECAP] Diskusi Bulanan & Webinar STAIR “STAIR Community 101 : Science, Technology and Arts in International Relations”

Selasa (22/08) lalu, Institute of International Studies dan Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Gadjah Mada menyelenggarakan Diskusi Bulanan sekaligus edisi #6 dari Webinar STAIR dengan tema “STAIR Community 101 : Science, Technology and Arts in International Relations”. Edisi kali ini menghadirkan Suci Lestari Yuana, Dosen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional sekaligus inisiator dari program STAIR yang akan membagikan pengantar mengenai STAIR dan proyeksi ke depan bagaimana STAIR community akan dikembangkan. Sebagai moderator, Cornelia Laras Gigih Kineta, Staf Divisi Riset IIS UGM hadir untuk memandu diskusi.

Acara kali ini diselenggarakan secara hybrid di Common Room Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada dan disiarkan lewat platform Zoom Meeting. Acara dihadiri oleh civitas akademika HI UGM, mulai dari dosen – dosen hingga mahasiswa.

Dalam kesempatan kali ini, agenda pembahasan meliputi beberapa hal seputar STAIR, seperti apa itu STAIR, limitasi dalam ilmu Hubungan Internasional, kontribusi STAIR terhadap HI, dan perkembangan komunitas STAIR yang berada di bawah naungan IIS UGM. Sesi diawali dengan pembahasan singkat mengenai apa yang dimaksud dengan STAIR, dan bagaimana STAIR dapat dihubungkan dengan ilmu Hubungan Internasional.

Bagian kedua membahas mengenai limitasi dari HI dalam memandang isu – isu STAIR, yang dibatasi oleh externalism (memisahkan antara studi HI dengan sains and teknologi), instrumentalism (sains dan teknologi cuma dipandang sebagai alat yang netral secara politik, padahal erat dengan isu politik), Ideational bias (kajian – kajian HI masih cenderung bias terhadap ide, dan membuat teori – teori HI menjadi One dimensional theory)

Bagian ketiga membahas mengenai kontribusi STAIR, karena STAIR dapat menawarkan pemahaman yang berbeda untuk mendiskusikan sebuah teknologi, dan dapat memberikan “warna” baru kepada studi HI secara umum. Pembahasan diakhiri dengan update mengenai status update komunitas STAIR di bawah IIS UGM, dan beberapa topik menarik yang mungkin dapat diadopsi menjadi topik diskusi STAIR selanjutnya. Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi dengan para partisipan daring dan luring.

Secara umum, acara berlangsung dengan lancar dan kondusif, dan diikuti oleh peserta – peserta yang aktif dan partisipatif, baik luring maupun daring.

[RECAP] STAIR #5 : Alternative Futures for Gig Economy

Selasa (18/07) lalu, Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) bersama dengan Research Center for Politics and Government, Departemen Politik dan Pemerintahan Universitas Gadjah Mada (PolGov UGM) dan The Hague University of Applied Sciences menyelenggarakan edisi bulan Juli dari seri Webinar STAIR (Science, Technology and Art in International Relations). Edisi kali ini mengambil tema Gig Economy dengan tajuk “Alternative Futures for Gig Economy” dan merupakan edisi perdana STAIR yang diselenggarakan secara hybrid di Ruang BA 201 FISIPOL UGM dan disiarkan via Zoom Meeting IIS UGM. Acara berlangsung dari pukul 13.00 hingga 15.00 WIB dan dihadiri oleh para peserta yang  antusias dalam mendengarkan diskusi ketiga narasumber tentang Gig Economy, baik daring maupun luring.

Untuk mendukung diskusi, IIS UGM menghadirkan tiga narasumber dari beragam latar belakang untuk membagikan pemikiran dan pengalamannya terkait gig economy. Narasumber pertama adalah Martijn Arets (Founder GigCV), yang hadir secara luring di ruang BA 201 FISIPOL UGM. Nabiyla Risfa Izzati (Phd Candidate, Queen Mary University of London) turut hadir secara daring via Zoom Meeting sebagai narasumber kedua. Sebagai narasumber ketiga dan terakhir, IIS UGM menghadirkan M. Sena Lupdhika (Penggiat Platform Coop Indonesia) secara daring. Suci Lestari Yuana (Dosen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Inisiator dari program STAIR) hadir secara luring untuk menemani ketiga narasumber sebagai moderator.

Dalam edisi kali ini, para narasumber mengajak para peserta luring maupun daring untuk bersama menelaah bagaimana kemajuan teknologi membentuk kembali lanskap hubungan internasional dan mengubah cara kita bekerja. Dari membayangkan model ketenagakerjaan baru hingga mengeksplorasi implikasi etis dari teknologi baru, diskusi kali ini bertujuan untuk bersama-sama mendiskusikan dan membahas prospek masa depan di mana inovasi, keberlanjutan, dan nilai-nilai yang berpusat pada manusia berkembang dalam ranah peluang gig economy.

Sesi pemaparan singkat oleh ketiga narasumber dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab yang diikuti oleh peserta baik  luring maupun daring secara aktif dan partisipatif.

[RECAP] Diskusi dan Sosialisasi “Signifikansi dan Implikasi Ratifikasi TPNW”

Jumat (21/07) lalu Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) bersama dengan Direktorat Keamanan Internasional dan Perlucutan Senjata, Kementerian Luar Negeri menyelenggarakan acara diskusi dan sosialisasi “Signifikansi dan Implikasi Ratifikasi TPNW”. Acara diskusi yang diselenggarakan di Ruang Sidang Dekanat Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Gadjah Mada tersebut melibatkan tim IIS UGM, tim dari Direktorat Keamanan Internasional dan Perlucutan Senjata, Kementerian Luar Negeri serta beberapa dosen dan akademisi dari berbagai fakultas di UGM. pada kesempatan tersebut, dibahas mengenai urgensi dari ratifikasi Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons bagi Indonesia, salah satu dari negara pertama yang menandatangani traktat. Namun, proses ke arah ratifikasi masih cukup panjang dan belum mengalami progres berarti. 

Sesi dibuka dengan paparan oleh Direktur Keamanan Internasional dan Perlucutan Senjata yang membahas mengenai beberapa hal yang berhubungan dengan proses ratifikasi TPNW. Situasi rezim perlucutan senjata global dan situasi kawasan yang kurang kondusif menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi lamanya proses ratifikasi oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Namun, pada dasarnya kementerian – kementerian yang terlibat memiliki keselarasan visi dan menyadari urgensi dari ratifikasi TPNW bagi Indonesia, dan menyadari bahaya dari senjata nuklir.

Sesi kemudian dilanjutkan oleh paparan laporan ICAN terkait pengeluaran negara-negara pemilik senjata nuklir untuk mengembangkan senjata tersebut. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa 9 negara pemilik senjata nuklir menghabiskan dana sebesar 82.9 milyar dollar, dan dipimpin oleh Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok. Regulasi senjata nuklir tidak hanya harus menyelesaikan problematika kuantitas senjata nuklir, tetapi juga kualitas dari senjata nuklir yang terus ditingkatkan oleh negara-negara tersebut.

Setelah sesi pemaparan, sesi dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi yang melibatkan para dosen-dosen dari berbagai fakultas di UGM yang secara bergantian menyampaikan pendapatnya mengenai isu senjata nuklir dan potensi nuklir sebagai energi alternatif. Sesi diskusi berjalan dengan cukup aktif dan kondusif, sebelum kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi penutup dan makan siang bersama di University Club, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UC UGM).

[RECAP] STAIR #4 : Politik Seni dan Budaya dalam HI

Kamis (22/06) lalu, Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) menyelenggarakan mini workshop sekaligus edisi terbaru dari seri webinar STAIR (Science, Technology and Arts in International Relations). Edisi kali ini bertemakan “Politik Seni dan Budaya dalam HI”, dan dibuat untuk mempresentasikan dan mendiskusikan proposal dari mahasiswa kelas Studi Independen STAIR prodi S1 HI UGM yang mengusung berbagai topik menarik seperti pameran seni, analisis sinema, hingga filosofi kebudayaan. Acara diselenggarakan secara daring via Zoom Meeting, dan berlangsung dari pukul 13.00 hingga 15.00 WIB

Dalam kesempatan kali ini, IIS UGM menghadirkan tiga narasumber yang juga merupakan anggota kelas Studi Independen STAIR prodi S1 HI UGM yang membawakan bermacam macam tema proposal dengan tema seputar seni dan budaya di depan para peserta yang berasal dari kelas Studi Independen maupun peserta umum.

Proposal pertama yang dibahas adalah “Politik Transnasional Sumbu Filosofi Yogyakarta” dari Aldi Haydar Mulia, yang membahas mengenai aspek politik transnasional dari sumbu filosofi Yogyakarta yang terdiri dari terdiri dari 3 komponen, yaitu Tugu Pal Putih, Kraton Yogyakarta, dan Panggung Krapyak.

Presentasi Aldi dilanjutkan oleh Herstianing Kumala, dengan proposal kedua yang bertajuk “Pameran Seni dan Kesetaraan Gender di Amerika Latin”. Dengan mengambil studi kasus di wilayah Amerika Latin, Hersti mencoba menganalisa bagaimana pameran seni digunakan sebagai sarana pendukung kesetaraan gender.

Sebagai presenter proposal ketiga dan terakhir, Gantar Eliezer Sinaga mempresentasikan proposalnya yang berjudul “Film, Diaspora dan Neo-orientalisme”. Dalam sesi terakhir ini para peserta diajak untuk memandang film dari sudut pandang yang berbeda, dan bagaimana film tersebut dapat dihubungkan dengan perspektif Neo-orientalisme.

Sesi presentasi oleh ketiga presenter dan sesi diskusi didukung oleh Suci Lestari Yuana (Dosen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Inisiator dari program STAIR) yang berperan sebagai moderator. Mini Workshop STAIR  “Politik Seni dan Budaya dalam HI” dihadiri oleh peserta-peserta yang antusias dan cukup partisipatif dalam mengajukan pertanyaan seputar proposal yang dibawakan oleh ketiga presenter.