[IIS RECAP] GO-SOUTH 2024: Global South in Geopolitical Turbulence

Yogyakarta, 8 November 2024 – The Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), hosted an annual convention of GO-SOUTH 2024, themed Global South in Geopolitical Turbulence. This annual convention comprised two main agendas, including a special roundtable discussion and an academic seminar.

In the first agenda, the Institute of International Studies, UGM, in collaboration with the Japan Foundation and the Indonesian Association for International Relations (AIHII), organized a special roundtable discussion titled “Japan in Asia: Past, Present, & Future.” As an essential player in the region, Japan has actively contributed to regional economic growth, infrastructure development, and geopolitics in Asia. Hence, this roundtable was designed to initiate vibrant discussion and in-depth dialogue among academics, researchers, and students to reflect on and develop Japanese studies and International Relations in Indonesia. The discussion was held in a hybrid setting, with participants present in person in the Deanery Meeting Room, FISIPOL UGM, and online via Zoom meeting and YouTube Livestream.

The roundtable was conducted in two sessions, moderated by Dr. Luqman-Nul Hakim, the Director of the Institute of International Studies, UGM. The first session discussed the development of Japanese studies in Indonesia in teaching and research and the relationship between Indonesia and Japan in terms of both economic and political relations. Siti Daulah Khoiriati from the Department of International Relations, UGM, and Yako Kozano from the School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, were the main speakers in this first session. The findings delivered by Siti Daulah Khoiriati highlight the development of research themes in Japan that are influenced by the interests of various stakeholders, including educational and research institutions, the government, and funding bodies. She also pointed out that while Japan’s success as a global economic power, technological advancements, and culture have been prominent research themes, there has been limited focus on studying Japanese politics and international relations.

Yako Kozano from the School of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University, presented his presentation in the roundtable discussion.

Furthermore, Yako Kozano, the second speaker of the first session, presented the topic of Contemporary Political Economic Relations of Japan-Indonesia in Geopolitical Perspectives. He highlighted that Indonesia’s trading partner with Japan has been replaced by the significant presence of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The relationship between Indonesia and Japan should be based on political-economic and geopolitical practices. A thorough Q&A session then followed the first session.

Agus Haryanto from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, presented his presentation in the roundtable discussion.

The second session discussed Japan’s engagement and dynamic role in contemporary regional settings and how this would influence Japanese studies’ current and future development in Indonesia and beyond. In the second session, Agus Haryanto from the Department of International Relations, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, and Isao Yamazaki from the Faculty of Art and Regional Design, Saga University, had a chance to give their valuable insights as the main speakers in the second session. Agus Haryanto explained that Japan’s approach to international security support has evolved significantly over the past few decades, primarily through its Official Development Assistance (ODA) program and the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) deployment. Isao Yamazaki presented Watershed of Reentry or Retreat: History of Indonesia-Japan Relations Revisited. He explained how Japanese culture and propaganda have influenced Indonesia’s society in many aspects, especially in industry, urban planning, music, and art. Before closing the second session, the participants were given the opportunity to ask questions, commentaries, and views.

Isao Yamazaki from the Faculty of Art and Regional Design, Saga University, presented his presentation in the roundtable discussion.

In the second agenda, the Institute of International Studies, UGM, organized an academic seminar themed Global South and the Decolonisation of Knowledge that was held in an online Zoom meeting. The seminar was attended by academicians, practitioners, and experts in relevant fields and aimed to create a robust discussion and debate on the main issue. The academic seminar was moderated by Muhadi Sugiono, lecturer in the Department of International Relations, UGM and the chairman of ICES (Indonesian Community for European Studies), followed by three presentations from each speaker.

Prof. Kate McGregor from the University of Melbourne, delivered her presentation in the academic seminar.

Prof. Kate McGregor from the University of Melbourne delivered the first presentation. She explained transnational women’s activism, global solidarities, and how people in the Global South previously worked together towards a global order today. The roots of Indonesia’s women’s activism were the highlight of her presentation. She also highlighted several actors, including individuals and non-governmental organizations from Indonesia’s grassroots, who highly impacted women’s roles in international activism.

The second presentation on Decolonizing International Relations in Indonesia: How far have we come? was delivered by Dr. Ardhitya Eduard Yeremia Lalisang from Universitas Indonesia. According to him, the study of International Relations should not limit its capabilities in order to gain an understanding of international politics. As a part of the Global South, Indonesia could also have its own unique International Relations theory that deserves recognition. Dr. Yeremia Lalisang has highlighted several acts, cultures, and other milestones that could represent the struggle and also the chance for Indonesia to create its own perspective on International Relations.

In the last presentation, Prof. Mohtar Mas’oed from Universitas Gadjah Mada delivered the presentation titled The Expected Geopolinomic Turbulence & the Global South. According to Prof. Mohtar Mas’oed, from what he sees in Trump’s first term, his return to power would impact the global order. He also pointed out what could be expected from his second term and how the Global South should shape its own path regarding his returns.

The academic seminar was followed by a Q&A session, which ended with a documentation session.

Written by: Anggita Fitri Ayu Lestari
Editor: Albert Nathaniel

[IIS BRIEF] No Momentum for Change: A Look into the Gender Gap of Employment and Shifting Perspective of Women Working in Japan

The discourse on the gender gap in employment is predominantly discussed in developing countries. However, developed countries also face the same problem with different intensities, despite the high number of people who have completed higher education. Women in developed countries still face unequal pay hidden within the triumph from the high rate of women participating in labour. For instance, Japan, as a leading country in education across Asia with a low gender gap rate of -2.7%, has also been one of the bottom performers with a high gender pay gap of 25.9%. How the gender gap in employment persists among developed countries, especially in Japan?

Author: Tri Nur Chasanah
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR

[IIS RECAP] Expert Panel: Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular

Yogyakarta, 10 Agustus 2024 – Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM) menyelenggarakan kegiatan expert panel bersama Circular School Program Partnership: Indonesia Green Principal Award (IGPA) dengan tema Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular.

Terdapat dua tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui kegiatan expert panel ini. Pertama, memetakan potensi, tantangan, dan strategi pembangunan niche dalam pendidikan ekonomi sirkular. Kedua, upaya co-creation perumusan strategi, intervensi dan langkah antisipasi dalam pengembangan inisiatif sekolah sirkular. Expert panel ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian dari proyek penelitian ‘Advancing Circular Education for Sustainable Transformation (ACEST): Strategi Membangun Niche dalam Transisi Sekolah Sirkular,’ yang didanai oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Kegiatan dipandu oleh Wendi Wiliyanto selaku Master of Ceremony dengan empat rangkaian aktivitas.

Pertama, expert panel dibuka dengan kata sambutan oleh Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim, Direktur IIS UGM. “Mudah-mudahan, bukan hanya kita saling bertukar pikiran, tetapi kegiatan ini juga dapat menjadi ruang silaturahmi dan momen yang fun bagi kita semua. Semoga acara ini berjalan lancar dan kita bisa memperoleh pengetahuan dan pertemanan,” ucap Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim.

Kemudian, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan sambutan oleh Dr. Maharani Hapsari, selaku ketua peneliti proyek ini. Dalam sambutannya, Dr. Maharani Hapsari menekankan keinginan besar tim riset untuk belajar banyak dari Bapak/Ibu panelis dalam membangun keterampilan leadership (kepemimpinan) karena masih banyak agenda yang perlu diperbaiki dalam level universitas, utamanya UGM. “Melaksanakan riset sirkular ekonomi ini adalah upaya kami untuk mendukung kebijakan-kebijakan di level universitas juga,” kata Dr. Maharani Hapsari.

Terakhir, sambutan disampaikan oleh Dr. Junita Widiati Arfani, selaku koordinator Circular School Program Partnership. “Sebagai pihak yang mendukung acara ini, semoga kita bisa berkumpul dan berbagi wawasan berharga. Hari ini kita akan mendengarkan para ahli di bidang sekolah sirkular yang dianggap sudah menunjukkan kepemimpinan dan inovasi. Dan terimakasih Bapak/Ibu sekalian sudah siap berbagi pengetahuan serta menjawab berbagai pertanyaan seputar pengalaman dan visi ke depan Bapak/Ibu,” ucap Dr. Junita Widiati Arfani.

Kedua, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan proyek riset dan permainan sederhana yang dipandu oleh Dr. Suci Lestari Yuana dan Dr. Ririn Tri Nurhayati. Pemaparan materi berfokus pada latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, dan maksud keterlibatan partisipan dalam kegiatan expert panel tersebut.

Ketiga, kegiatan Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus sebagai inti agenda dimulai. Objektif utama dalam kegiatan ini berorientasi pada upaya pemetaan inovasi dalam transformasi sekolah sirkular. Terdapat dua topik besar yang menjadi basis diskusi: 1) eksplorasi posisi local practices yang tumbuh dan berkembang di sekolah melalui Transformative Pathway for Mundane Circular Economy dan 2) petualangan proses pembelajaran sekolah dalam implementasi ekonomi sirkular serta ekspektasi dan visi transformasi sekolah sirkular di masa depan melalui Strategic Niche Management.

Keempat, Bapak/Ibu partisipan diundang untuk bermain simulasi debat dengan topik implementasi kebijakan ekonomi sirkular dalam ranah kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan ini dipandu oleh Laras Kineta. Kegiatan berjalan lancar dan menyenangkan. Kegiatan ini berhasil menggambarkan bahwa transformasi tidak selalu dimulai dari tingkat pemerintah; seringkali, perubahan juga bisa berasal dari level lokal.

Simak lebih lanjut laporan kegiatan melalui file berikut.

[IIS Brief] Geoengineering as A ‘Temporary Solution’? It is either a path towards catastrophe or an escalation to an even worse crisis

Even though countries have committed to reduce global temperature rise to below 2°C through the Paris Agreement, global temperatures are predicted to break the climate threshold of 1.5°C in 2027. This shows how the climate change mitigation and emission reduction are often fail in pursuing the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. Instead of focusing on reducing emissions, developed countries such as the United States are considering geoengineering alternatives. How come geoengineering, which potentially violates international laws and harms climate justice, could be considered as an option to prevent climate disasters?

Author: Mas Intan Putri Apriani
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR

[IIS Brief] Democracy Under Siege: The Rise of Authoritarianism in Tunisia

The Arab Spring movement in Middle Eastern countries is regarded as a significant catalyst for democratisation in the region. Tunisia emerges as the only country where democratisation has persisted following the Arab Spring. After the impeachment of President Zainal Abidin Ibn Ali in 2011, Tunisia embarked on a process of democratisation, marked by the implementation of democratic presidential elections and a sequence of institutional reforms. Tunisia was deemed successful in achieving democratisation through two peaceful power transfers and fair elections in 2014 and 2019. Nevertheless, the prospect of democratisation in Tunisia is currently diminishing. What is the reason behind this occurrence?

Author: Rachmania Utami Tsalasa Putri
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR