GLOBAL SOUTH REVIEW | Volume 3 No. 1 January 2021

Newest edition of Global South Review is now available!

Global South Review is a social and political journal that aimed to provide academic and policy platform to exchange views, research findings, and dialogues within the Global South and between the Global North and the Global South.

Global South Review examines all the issues encountered by Global South in the context of current international justice, security, and order. The journal focuses, but not exclusively, on the role of Global South in global politics; the rise, demise, and possible revival of South-South internationalism and Bandung Spirit; and the dynamics of relations between Global South and Global North.

In this third edition, GSR features six writings highlighting various issues paramount in the Global South.

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IIS FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW #39 | Edisi 1 – 15 Desember 2022

Fortnightly Review is now out for you to read! Articles featured in this episode are:

– Solidarity for Palestine: Soccer and Politics Under FIFA Hypocrisy (R. Bomantara, IIS Dissemination Division)
– A New Stage of Democratic Regression: Indonesia’s Controversial Criminal Code (F. Tarissa, IIS Publication Division)
– Questioning Indonesia’s Fight Against Terrorism: Is Deradicalization Program Really the Way? (A. Indriyosanti, IIS Publication Division)

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[IIS BRIEF] Power Competition at the Expense of Human Security: The Urgency to Re-examine State-centric Policymaking

IIS FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW #38 | Edisi 16 – 30 November 2022

Fortnightly Review is now out for you to read! Articles featured in this episode are:

– PMs Come and Go: Where is The UK Heading Now? (M. Phoebe, IR UGM 2020)
– The Rising Confidence of Philippines-US Security Commitment under Marcos Jr. (Z. Umniati, IR UGM 2019)
– The Threat of Russia-Ukraine War over the Banning Effort of Killer Robots (T. N. D. Margono, IR UGM 2020)

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[IIS BRIEF] Salah Langkah Amerika Serikat dalam Memahami Kuba-Amerika Latin: Studi Kasus Summit of the Americas

IIS FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW #37 | Edisi 1 – 15 November 2022

Fortnightly Review is now out for you to read! Articles featured in this episode are:

– COP27 and the Attempts to Tackle Climate Crisis: The Controversies (L. G. Kineta, IIS Dissemination Division)
– Scrutinizing Indonesia’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 2022 (H. K. Firdausya, IR UGM 2020)
– Rising Military Tension Between South and North Korea: An Unending Security Dilemma? (R. B. K. Sianturi, IR UGM 2019).

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