Corporate Power in Global Economic Institutions
ISBN | 978-602-7804-06-7 |
Penulis | Poppy S. Winanti |
Tahun Terbit | 2016 |
Harga | Rp 15.000,00 |
Description :
This book contends that the significant development of corporate power can be seen as evidence of the emergence of private authority in the global political economy. However, the cohesiveness and the coherence of coalition among them and their capability to mobilize politically unified force are insufficient to guarantee the success of their efforts in pursing their agendas. The linkage of the issues proposed by the MNCs with other legitimate of major domestic groups, including NGOs, as well as the negotiation setting in the global economic institutions where the negotiations took place, should also be taken into account. By arguing these points, this book contributes to the existing international political economy literature, particularly regarding the role of non-state actors in influencing global economic institutions.
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