Entries by iis.fisipol

IIS Fortnightly Review #21 | Edisi 1 – 15 Maret 2022

Our twenty first edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured is this episode are:

* “Keep Politics Out of Football”: FIFA’s Double Standard (Lintang Adipratama, HI UGM)
* Painting Latin America Green: Lesson Learned from the Marea Verde Movement (Ni Made Diah Apsari, HI UGM)
* Challenged Security for Women In Indonesia (Jessenia Destarini Asmoro, HI UGM)
* Cyberspace Monopoly and Its Threat Amidst Russia Ukraine Conflict (Muhammad Atthallah, HI UGM)

Access the review through bit.ly/FRW1Maret

IIS Fortnightly Review #19 | Edisi 1 – 15 Februari 2022

Our nineteenth edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured is this episode are:

* Representing the Developing World: Indonesia’s Agenda for the G20 Presidency (A. H. Febriyanti, UGM)
* Palestinians Under the Israel’s Apartheid System (S. A. Murtadho, UGM)
* Cuba’s Vaccines and the Global South Solidarity (M. R. K. Rahman, UGM)
* Indonesia’s Military Shopping Spree: Competition between France and the United States (A. A. Agassi, UNDIP)

Access the review through bit.ly/FRW1Februari

Informasi Peralihan Kontak IIS UGM

Mulai tanggal 10 Februari 2022, Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM)  sudah tidak lagi menggunakan nomer kontak whatsapp  62-878-8460-7707

Untuk kedepannya, IIS UGM dapat dihubungi melalui whatsapp via nomor +62-818-0650-7041.

IIS Fortnightly Review #18 | Edisi 16 – 31 Januari 2022

Our eighteenth edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured is this episode are:

•Sydney Festival Boycott: When Solidarity Charged with Antisemitism (S. A. Murtadho)
•Countering the Australian Day “Myth”: Growing Solidarity for the Invasion Day Movements (S. A. Firhansyah)
•A Postponed First Meeting: ASEAN’s Ongoing Split on Myanmar (A. F. Handaru)
•Explaining Russia’s Demand Amidst Rising Ukraine-Russia Tension (M. Phobe)

Access the review through bit.ly/FRW2Januari