Entries by iis.fisipol

[IIS RECAP] A Call from East Asia: Global Solidarity Toward a Nuclear-Free World

On 8-9 February 2025, Mr. Muhadi Sugiono, Senior Researcher and Lead Campaigner at the Institute of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, participated in the International Civil Society Forum to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, in Tokyo, Japan. The forum was organized to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bringing together global leaders, scholars, and civil society representatives to discuss nuclear disarmament efforts.

Mr. Muhadi Sugiono participated at the International Civil Society Forum to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, in Tokyo, Japan.

In a session titled “Promoting Nuclear Disarmament in East Asia,” Mr. Muhadi Sugiono offered his insights on the current climate of nuclear disarmament. He drew from his experience as a campaigner for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) in Indonesia, particularly in advocating for ratifying the Treaty of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). These efforts culminated in the landmark ratification of Indonesia in September 2024. On a broader scale, the Southeast Asia region has taken proactive steps to promote nuclear disarmament. This is evident in diplomatic initiatives to mitigate US-China rivalry, the establishment of the nuclear-free zone and active participation in the TPNW advocacy. Given the shifting security landscape in East Asia–marked by North Korea’s advancing nuclear and missile capabilities and China’s rapid expansion of its nuclear arsenal–this discussion remains highly relevant. Mr. Muhadi’s insights were pivotal  in exploring practical steps to transform regional confrontations into cooperative efforts toward nuclear disarmament.

Mr. Muhadi Sugiono as a speaker in a session titled “Promoting Nuclear Disarmament in East Asia.”

During the event, Tanaka Terumi, co-chairman of Nihon Hidankyo—the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize winner—delivered a speech urging the younger generations to carry on the effort of nuclear abolition. He underscored the importance of understanding the catastrophic consequences of the atomic bombings to grow a more profound awareness that such suffering must never be repeated. A document was introduced to portray the reality of the devastation caused by the atomic bombings, reinforcing the inhumanity of nuclear weapons. It serves as a call to action for the younger generation of their responsibility to continue the collaborative efforts, especially as survivors age.

Following the forum, Mr. Muhadi Sugiono, alongside other international guests, visited Hiroshima, where they met with Mayor Matsui and Hibakusha–the survivors of the atomic bombing. On the occasion, Mayor Matsui expressed a growing desire to “enhance the momentum for abolition and rectify the situation amid increasing risks of nuclear weapons use.” They also paid tribute at the Peace Memorial Park and Museum and held a public symposium with local organizations. 

Mr. Muhadi Sugiono and other international guests visited the Peace Memorial Park and Museum, Hiroshima.

The forum concluded with participants releasing proposals for the United Nations meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, scheduled to take place in New York in March 2025. These proposals aim to reinforce international commitments to nuclear disarmament and strengthen global efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.

On this occasion, Mr. Muhadi Sugiono also had an opportunity to interview the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize winner–Nihon Hidankyo. See the full interview below:

Video Interview

Written by: Inggit Kartika Dini

Edited by: Nabilah Nur Abiyanti

IIS Monograph Series #9 | Damai Pangkal Damai – Tidak Baik-Baik Saja: Refleksi Perlawanan Nirkekerasan di Indonesia dan Dunia 2024

2024 bisa disebut sebagai tahun pemilihan umum. Betapa tidak, lebih dari setengah penduduk dunia tinggal di negara yang menghelat pemilihan umum pada tahun itu. Sayangnya, di banyak tempat, ajang yang seharusnya menjadi “pesta demokrasi” tersebut belum berhasil mengadang, apalagi memukul balik proses otokratisasi yang telah berlangsung secara global hampir dua dekade terakhir. Tidak ada pilihan selain memperkuat dan memperluas perlawanan nirkekerasan yang telah dilalukan selama ini.

Di Indonesia, ribuan orang turun ke jalan menjawab panggilan “Garuda Biru.” Di Korea Selatan, Bangladesh, dan Guatemala, warga memakzulkan presiden yang mengkhianati semangat demokrasi. Bahkan, di tengah represi yang kuat, warga Iran dan Afghanistan terus melawan, meski terkadang melakukannya secara lebih tersembunyi.

Tidak Baik-Baik Saja: Refleksi Perlawanan Nirkekerasan di Indonesia dan Dunia 2024
– Indonesia 2024: Tidak Baik-Baik Saja, diah kusumaningrum
– 2024 Maximalist Wrapped: Cepat atau Lambat, Yang Penting Selamat, Dhania Salsha Handiani
– Hidup Para Pemimpin! Mempertanyakan Aksi Pro-Rezim, Daniel Petz
– ⁠Unarmed Civilian Protection: Radikal atau Masuk Akal?, Huibert Oldenhuis
– ⁠Chaiwat Satha-Anand & Misi Mustahilnya, Chayanit Poonyarat

IIS Monograph Series #8 | STAIR and the Futures of International Relations from Indonesia


STAIR and the Futures of International Relations from Indonesia is more than a book—it’s a manifesto for reimagining global politics through the lens of the Global South!

From the birth of the STAIR Community in Indonesia to the urgency of decolonizing IR studies, this monograph challenges the traditional perspectives by incorporating critical approaches, such as phenomenology, the politics of technology, and aesthetics into international studies. This STAIR monograph invites us to embrace new ways of thinking about IR!

Access this monograph through http://ugm.id/IISMonograph8

IIS Monograph Series #7 | No Man’s Land No Longer: Kontestasi Sumber Daya dan Geopolitik di Kawasan Arktik

Alih-alih dipandang sebagai kawasan terabaikan, Arktik kini bertransformasi menjadi kawasan strategis yang kaya sumber daya alam serta jalur pelayaran baru akibat mencairnya es. Berbagai negara mulai memperebutkan kawasan Arktik untuk memperluas pengaruh serta mengamankan kepentingan tanpa memperhatikan keberlanjutan eksistensi masyarakat adat Arktik. Implikasinya, masyarakat adat Arktik kerap diperlakukan sebagai subjek pasif. Dengan berbagai tekanan terhadap pergulatan geopolitik dan kontestasi sumber daya antarnegara, masyarakat adat secara simultan menemukan cara untuk turut terlibat aktif dalam dinamika tersebut.

IIS Research Monograph berjudul No Man’s Land No Longer: Kontestasi Sumber Daya dan Geopolitik di Kawasan Arktik akan membahas dinamika reposisi Arktik dari kawasan yang terabaikan menjadi arena pergulatan geopolitik dengan tiga konteks diskursif besar: (1) Kolonialisme hingga Perang Dingin, (2) Pasca-Perang Dingin, dan (3) Tata dunia pasca-unipolar.

GLOBAL SOUTH REVIEW | Volume 6 No. 2 December 2024

Newest edition of Global South Review is now available!

Global South Review is a social and political journal that aims to provide an academic and policy platform to exchange views, research findings, and dialogues within the Global South and between the Global North and the Global South.

Global South Review examines all the issues encountered by Global South in the context of current international justice, security, and order. The journal focuses, but not exclusively, on the role of Global South in global politics; the rise, demise, and possible revival of South-South internationalism and Bandung Spirit; and the dynamics of relations between Global South and Global North. Authors may submit research articles and book reviews in related subjects.

In this edition, GSR features six writings highlighting various issues paramount in the Global South.

Access it through the link:

[IIS BRIEF] The Kremlin’s Visit to the Red Dragon’s Lair: A Stimulus-Response Look into Russia’s May Visit to China

On April 29, 2024, NATO Secretary General (Jens Stoltenberg) visited Kyiv to reaffirm NATO’s support for Ukraine amid the ongoing war with Russia. Two weeks later, Vladimir Putin visited Beijing, marking the first meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in over six months. It raised questions about the timing and significance of the visit, especially in light of recent developments between Russia and China and Stoltenberg’s earlier visit to Ukraine. How the meeting between NATO and Ukraine served as a stimulus for Russia that eventually led to its response in the form of engagement with China? This episode of IIS Brief will analyze the Putin’s visit to Beijing on May 2024 using the stimulus-response theory.

Author: Raihan Alfi
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR