[IIS Brief] Democracy Under Siege: The Rise of Authoritarianism in Tunisia

The Arab Spring movement in Middle Eastern countries is regarded as a significant catalyst for democratisation in the region. Tunisia emerges as the only country where democratisation has persisted following the Arab Spring. After the impeachment of President Zainal Abidin Ibn Ali in 2011, Tunisia embarked on a process of democratisation, marked by the implementation of democratic presidential elections and a sequence of institutional reforms. Tunisia was deemed successful in achieving democratisation through two peaceful power transfers and fair elections in 2014 and 2019. Nevertheless, the prospect of democratisation in Tunisia is currently diminishing. What is the reason behind this occurrence?

Author: Rachmania Utami Tsalasa Putri
Editor: IIS Team
Designer: Dian Adi MR

GLOBAL SOUTH REVIEW | Volume 6 No. 1 July 2024

Newest edition of Global South Review is now available!

Global South Review is a social and political journal that aims to provide an academic and policy platform to exchange views, research findings, and dialogues within the Global South and between the Global North and the Global South.

Global South Review examines all the issues encountered by Global South in the context of current international justice, security, and order. The journal focuses, but not exclusively, on the role of Global South in global politics; the rise, demise, and possible revival of South-South internationalism and Bandung Spirit; and the dynamics of relations between Global South and Global North. Authors may submit research articles and book reviews in related subjects.

In this edition, GSR features five writings highlighting various issues paramount in the Global South.

Access it through the link:

[IIS Commentaries] Re-Evaluasi Gig Economy di Indonesia Melalui Kemunculan Solidaritas Pengemudi Ojek Online

IIS Monograph Series #6 | Dekolonisasi Studi Hubungan Internasional

Bagaimana dekolonisasi studi Hubungan Internasional dilakukan? Tidak dapat dimungkiri bahwa bentuk kolonialisasi melalui pengetahuan, termasuk budaya, berlangsung secara subtil, kompleks, tahan lama, dan terus direproduksi. Dominasi episteme pengetahuan yang bersentral dalam pendekatan Ero-Amerika menyebabkan pandangan bahwa seakan-akan hanya ada kebenaran tunggal, sementara model-model pengetahuan lain dianggap inferior dan tidak ilmiah. Isu-isu penelitian dan materi pengajaran dirumuskan berdasarkan kepentingan dan proyeksi politik negara adidaya untuk melanggengkan relasi kuasa yang asimetris. Dalam konteks ini, upaya dekolonisasi studi Hubungan Internasional menjadi sangat sentral.

IIS Research Monograph bertajuk Dekolonisasi Studi Hubungan Internasional akan menyajikan hasil pemikiran dan penelitian untuk membuka posibilitas produksi pengetahuan yang berbasis pada kondisi Negara Selatan, khususnya terkait warisan kolonialisme dan berorientasi pada politik emansipasi untuk memperjuangkan tata dunia yang lebih berkeadilan.