[IIS Brief] Indonesia and Japan: Navigating Geopolitical Shifts in the 21st Century

The relationship between Indonesia and Japan has long been characterized by strong cultural and economic ties. However, contemporary dynamics require a broader geopolitical lens to capture the evolving nature of their partnership.

This IIS Brief highlights how the relationship between the two countries has expanded beyond trade and cultural exchanges to the area of strategic partnership in security, defense, and regional stability, as well as examines both countries positionality within the broader regional dynamics in the Indo-Pacific.

Check out our new released IIS Brief at ugm.id/IISBrief11

IIS Monograph Series #9 | Damai Pangkal Damai – The World Is Not Okay: Nonviolent Resistance in Indonesia and the World 2024

2024 was election year for more than half of the world’s population. Unfortunately, instead of being the year where democracy gets more consolidated, it may go down in history as the year where autocratic actors succeeded in consolidating their power through democratic mechanisms. If anything, this should be a good reason to up our nonviolent resistance.

In Indonesia, the year 2024 played host to thousands congregating at the “Garuda Biru” (Blue Eagle) rallies. In South Korea, Bangladesh, and Guatemala, civil resistance overthrew leaders that betrayed the spirit of democracy. Meanwhile, amidst repression, citizens of Iran and Afghanistan continued to resist, despite the need to lay low.

The World is Not Okay: Nonviolent Resistance in Indonesia and the World 2024
– Indonesia 2024: The Dark Knights Rise, diah kusumaningrum
– ⁠2024 Maximalist Wrapped: A Mixed Genre of Maintenance, Persistence, and Anticipating Divergence, Dhania Salsha Handiani
– ⁠”We are obedient to the leader!” The Curious Case of Pro-Government Non-Violent Mass Mobilization, Daniel Petz
– ⁠Unarmed Civilian Protection: A Radical Idea or Common Sense?, Huibert Oldenhuis
– ⁠Chaiwat Satha-Anand’s “Mission: Impossible” as a Muslim Nonviolence Scholar Who Engaged Nonviolence with the State, Chayanit Poonyarat

Download this Monograph through: ugm.id/IISMonograph9English

IIS Monograph Series #9 | Damai Pangkal Damai – Tidak Baik-Baik Saja: Refleksi Perlawanan Nirkekerasan di Indonesia dan Dunia 2024

2024 bisa disebut sebagai tahun pemilihan umum. Betapa tidak, lebih dari setengah penduduk dunia tinggal di negara yang menghelat pemilihan umum pada tahun itu. Sayangnya, di banyak tempat, ajang yang seharusnya menjadi “pesta demokrasi” tersebut belum berhasil mengadang, apalagi memukul balik proses otokratisasi yang telah berlangsung secara global hampir dua dekade terakhir. Tidak ada pilihan selain memperkuat dan memperluas perlawanan nirkekerasan yang telah dilalukan selama ini.

Di Indonesia, ribuan orang turun ke jalan menjawab panggilan “Garuda Biru.” Di Korea Selatan, Bangladesh, dan Guatemala, warga memakzulkan presiden yang mengkhianati semangat demokrasi. Bahkan, di tengah represi yang kuat, warga Iran dan Afghanistan terus melawan, meski terkadang melakukannya secara lebih tersembunyi.

Tidak Baik-Baik Saja: Refleksi Perlawanan Nirkekerasan di Indonesia dan Dunia 2024
– Indonesia 2024: Tidak Baik-Baik Saja, diah kusumaningrum
– 2024 Maximalist Wrapped: Cepat atau Lambat, Yang Penting Selamat, Dhania Salsha Handiani
– Hidup Para Pemimpin! Mempertanyakan Aksi Pro-Rezim, Daniel Petz
– ⁠Unarmed Civilian Protection: Radikal atau Masuk Akal?, Huibert Oldenhuis
– ⁠Chaiwat Satha-Anand & Misi Mustahilnya, Chayanit Poonyarat

IIS Monograph Series #8 | STAIR and the Futures of International Relations from Indonesia


STAIR and the Futures of International Relations from Indonesia is more than a book—it’s a manifesto for reimagining global politics through the lens of the Global South!

From the birth of the STAIR Community in Indonesia to the urgency of decolonizing IR studies, this monograph challenges the traditional perspectives by incorporating critical approaches, such as phenomenology, the politics of technology, and aesthetics into international studies. This STAIR monograph invites us to embrace new ways of thinking about IR!

Access this monograph through http://ugm.id/IISMonograph8

IIS Monograph Series #7 | No Man’s Land No Longer: Kontestasi Sumber Daya dan Geopolitik di Kawasan Arktik

Alih-alih dipandang sebagai kawasan terabaikan, Arktik kini bertransformasi menjadi kawasan strategis yang kaya sumber daya alam serta jalur pelayaran baru akibat mencairnya es. Berbagai negara mulai memperebutkan kawasan Arktik untuk memperluas pengaruh serta mengamankan kepentingan tanpa memperhatikan keberlanjutan eksistensi masyarakat adat Arktik. Implikasinya, masyarakat adat Arktik kerap diperlakukan sebagai subjek pasif. Dengan berbagai tekanan terhadap pergulatan geopolitik dan kontestasi sumber daya antarnegara, masyarakat adat secara simultan menemukan cara untuk turut terlibat aktif dalam dinamika tersebut.

IIS Research Monograph berjudul No Man’s Land No Longer: Kontestasi Sumber Daya dan Geopolitik di Kawasan Arktik akan membahas dinamika reposisi Arktik dari kawasan yang terabaikan menjadi arena pergulatan geopolitik dengan tiga konteks diskursif besar: (1) Kolonialisme hingga Perang Dingin, (2) Pasca-Perang Dingin, dan (3) Tata dunia pasca-unipolar.