IIS Monograph Series #5 | Damai Pangkal Damai – A Race Against Time : Nonviolent Resistance in Indonesia and the World 2023 [English Version]
What is there to be proud of in 2023? Autocratization became worse, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine endured, the Israeli occupation of Palestine presented the world with live-streamed genocide, right-wing groups continued to emerge and win elections, while the climate crisis remained unaddressed. With those in mind, how are we supposed to be optimistic about 2024, the year where more than half of the world’s citizens cast their votes in general elections?
This fourth edition of Damai Pangkal Damai (DPD)’s annual reflection invites everyone to celebrate those who utilized nonviolent resistance to fight back against the above challenges. As usual, the annual reflection offers four segments, each discussing nonviolent resistance in Indonesia, maximalist movements around the world, a global reformist movement, and a special coverage. The first segment highlights the stagnation of nonviolent resistance in Indonesia. The second segment maps out maximalist movements that emerged, increased in intensity, dwindled, or turned into reformist movements throughout 2023. The third segment analyzes the escalation of the global climate movement. Last but not least, the fourth segment elaborates on the history and dynamics of nonviolent resistance within the Palestinian struggle for liberation.