IIS Fortnightly Review #30 | Edisi 2 Juli 2022

Fortnightly Review has now reached its 30th edition and it’s now out for you to read! Articles featured in this episode are:

– Economic Problems and Conflict in Indonesia’s G20 Presidency: Challenges for a ‘Free and Active’ Foreign Policy (D. Nabila)
– Sri Lanka Crisis: Civil Movements and the Needs for Progressive Changes (G.E. Sinaga)
– Cybersecurity in the Midst of Growing E-Commerce Market in Indonesia (E.D. Widiastuti)

Access them through bit.ly/FRW2Juli

IIS Fortnightly Review #29 | Edisi 1 Juli 2022

Our 29th edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured in this episode are:

– The Presidency of the G20: Golden Door to Reinvigorate Indonesia’s Tourism Industry (W. Wiliyanto)
– Enraged Protest in Libya Sparked By Political Deadlock And Worsening Living Conditions (D. Lanek)
– Leftist Regional Movement Under Alba: Derailing United States Liberal Influence in South America (O.B. Saputra)
– First TPNW State Parties Meeting; Positive Step Towards Changing Nuclear Weapons Norm (S. A. Firhansyah)

Our Fortnightly Review is also mobile friendly! Access the review through bit.ly/FRW1Juli

Commentaries : Menjembatani Perdamaian Ukraina-Rusia: Prasyarat Keberhasilan Diplomasi Indonesia

IIS Fortnightly #26 | Edisi 15 – 31 Mei 2022

Our 26th edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured is this episode are:

– Disrobing at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival: Protesting Sexual Violence Against Women Amidst Russia-Ukraine Conflict (F. Tarissa)
– Sri Lanka’s Inflation and the Russia-Ukraine War: the Domino Effect Drom Across the Globe (R. K. Larasati)
– Another 150 Million Worth of Security Assitance from US: a Way to Maintain Peace and Security (C. V. Winona)
– The Curious Case of China’s Global Security Initiative (A. Jaknanihan)

Access the review through bit.ly/FRW2Mei

IIS Fortnightly #25 | Edisi 1 – 15 Mei 2022

Our 25th edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured is this episode are:

• The Return of Authoritarianism in Bangladesh: Hasina’s Domination and Skepticism on the 2023 General Election (A. D. Bagaskara)
• Devising the Indonesian Carbon Trading Scheme (A. Nathaniel)
• Avoiding Minutes to Midnight: Solomon-China’s Security Pact and the Need for Australia to Reevaluate its Pacific Relations (R. K. Larasati)

Access the review through bit.ly/FRW1Mei

IIS Monograph Series #2 | Damai Pangkal Damai – Pushing Back Autocratization : Nonviolent Resistance in Indonesia and the World 2021 [English Version]

Damai Pangkal Damai (DPD) is the first database project that focuses on nonviolent actions in Indonesia throughout the Reformasi era. Initiated in 2016, DPD is managed by the Institute of International Studies (IIS) — the research and advocacy arm of the Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It publishes weekly infographics, monthly kaleidoscopes, and annual reflections on nonviolent resistance in Indonesia and the world, as well as a regular podcast highlighting the journeys of peace activists. This second edition of DPD’s annual reflections comes at a time where democracy backsliding (autocratization!) is picking up its speed. DPD believes that defending democracy is not just about strengthening the structures underpinning it (fair elections, separation of power, free press, etc.,). It is also — and perhaps, mostly — about fortifying the cultural components of democracy, including the civil society’s preferences and skills in waging nonviolent resistance. DPD extends its gratitude to Samsu Rizal Panggabean, Aghniadi, Arie Rostika Utami, Brigitta Kalina T.H., Ceng Husni Mubarak, Cut Intan Auliannisa Isma, Erica Chenoweth, Ihsan Ali-Fauzi, Jacky Manuputty, Jamila Raqib, Luqman-nul Hakim, Maurizka Callista, M. Scessardi Kemalsyah, Maulida Raviola, Michael Beer, Nurhawira Gigih Pramono, Novi Kurnia, Pandu Raka Pangestu, Puri Kencana Putri, Sana Jaffrey, Sandra Hamid, Treviliana Eka Putri, Veronique Dudouet, and Zainal Abidin Bagir. 

Click here to download the file.

IIS Monograph Series #2 | Damai Pangkal Damai – Mengadang Otokratisasi : Refleksi Perlawanan Nirkekerasan di Indonesia dan Dunia 2021 [Bahasa Version]

Damai Pangkal Damai (DPD) adalah proyek pangkalan data pertama yang mengkhususkan diri pada aksi nirkekerasan di Indonesia era Reformasi. Diinisiasi pada tahun 2016, DPD bernaung di Institute of International Studies (IIS), sayap riset dan advokasi Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pangkalan data DPD mencatat aksi-aksi nirkekerasan yang terjadi di Indonesia mulai 1999 hingga saat ini. Secara berkala, DPD meluncurkan siniar yang menampilkan para PNS — Pekerja Nirkekerasan Sehari-hari. DPD juga menerbitkan infografis mingguan, kaleidoskop bulanan, dan refleksi tahunan mengenai perlawanan nirkekerasan di Indonesia dan dunia. Refleksi tahunan yang mulai terbit sejak 2021 ini diharapkan menjadi rujukan bagi pihak-pihak yang berkomitmen memperkuat demokrasi. DPD percaya bahwa konsolidasi demokrasi tidak hanya diperjuangkan dengan memperkuat struktur demokrasi (pemisahan eksekutif-legislatif-yudikatif, pers yang bebas, pemilu yang luber dan jurdil, dan lainnya) tetapi juga dengan memperkuat kultur demokrasi – termasuk di dalamnya preferensi dan keterampilan aktor masyarakat sipil dan negara dalam berkontestasi secara nirkekerasan. 

Unduh dokumen di sini.

IIS Fortnightly Review #24 | Edisi 16 – 30 April 2022

Our 24th edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured is this episode are:

•Macron Wins France Election: What’s Left for French Muslims? (S. A. Murtadho)
• Yemen’s Long Overdue cease-fire and a Hope for Peaceful Yemen (M. R. K. Rahman)
• Tackling the Hurdle of Russia-Ukraine Plight in Indonesia’s G20 Presidency (F. Tarissa)
• A Sino-Russian “No Limits” Partnership: China’s Information Proxy War on Russia-Ukraine Conflict (F. Tarissa)

Access the review through bit.ly/FRW2April

IIS Fortnightly Review #23 | Edisi 1 – 15 April 2022

Our twenty-third edition of Fortnightly Review is out now! Articles featured is this episode are:

•Facing the Human Rights Abyss in Indonesia: When Criminalising Critics Becomes the Norm (E. Amelia. IR UGM)
•Gabriel Boric and the Fruits of Progressive Social Movements in Chile (M. R. K. Rahman, IR UGM)
•EU Sustainable Approach: Rethinking the Normative Approach (S. N. Nurfadhilah, IR UGM)

\Access the review through bit.ly/FRW1April