Damai Pangkal Damai (DPD) is the first database project that focuses on nonviolent actions in Indonesia throughout the Reformasi era. Initiated in 2016, DPD is managed by the Institute of International Studies (IIS) — the research and advocacy arm of the Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada. It publishes weekly infographics, monthly kaleidoscopes, and annual reflections on nonviolent resistance in Indonesia and the world, as well as a regular podcast highlighting the journeys of peace activists. This second edition of DPD’s annual reflections comes at a time where democracy backsliding (autocratization!) is picking up its speed. DPD believes that defending democracy is not just about strengthening the structures underpinning it (fair elections, separation of power, free press, etc.,). It is also — and perhaps, mostly — about fortifying the cultural components of democracy, including the civil society’s preferences and skills in waging nonviolent resistance. DPD extends its gratitude to Samsu Rizal Panggabean, Aghniadi, Arie Rostika Utami, Brigitta Kalina T.H., Ceng Husni Mubarak, Cut Intan Auliannisa Isma, Erica Chenoweth, Ihsan Ali-Fauzi, Jacky Manuputty, Jamila Raqib, Luqman-nul Hakim, Maurizka Callista, M. Scessardi Kemalsyah, Maulida Raviola, Michael Beer, Nurhawira Gigih Pramono, Novi Kurnia, Pandu Raka Pangestu, Puri Kencana Putri, Sana Jaffrey, Sandra Hamid, Treviliana Eka Putri, Veronique Dudouet, and Zainal Abidin Bagir.
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